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The Apalling History of Westwind HOA

By julemik
  • Illegal Election

    Illegal Election
    Outside of an annual meeting of the members, and In violation of Bylaws Article 3.1, ARS 33.1812, and ARS 10-3804, a singular board member annoints select members without an election. Perpetrators: Steve Wadding, Chris Gillies, Pedro Lopez, John Theibert, and Liesure Life Management.
  • Illegal Election

    Illegal Election
    In violation of Bylaws Article 3.1, ARS 33.1812, and ARS 10-3804, board members annoints select members without an election. Perpetrators: Steve Wadding, Chris Gillies, Pedro Lopez, and Liesure Life Management.
  • Compensation to a Director's Family Member

    Compensation to a Director's Family Member
    In violation of ARS 33-1811, which identifies compensation directed to a board members family as a "conflict", Steve Wadding's son recieves payment in the amount of $308.00 for "Edging Monitoring" despite $21,700 paid to Wheat's Landscaping in the same month. The frequency of payments to Steve Waddings son is so often that it would crowd this time-line 2007-2012. To this date, the payements exceed several thousands of dollars.
  • Compensation to a Director's Family Member

    Compensation to a Director's Family Member
    In violation of ARS 33-1811, which identifies compensation directed to a board members family as a "conflict", Chris Gillies son recieves payment in the amount of $20.00 for "Graffiti Removal" despite $794 paid to Commercial Painting Services in the same month for the same work.
  • Illegal Election

    Illegal Election
    In violation of Bylaws Article 3.1, ARS 33.1812, and ARS 10-3804, board members annoint select members to the board without an election. Perpetrators: Steve Wadding, Chris Gillies, and Liesure Life Management.
  • Travis Law Firm Begins Collections

    Travis Law Firm Begins Collections
    The Travis Law Firm begins collections against homeowners who have broken their contractual obligations to the association. In contrast, the Travis Law Firm is also contracted to shield the board and Lighthouse Management when they break their contractual obligations to the association and act outside the boundaries of Arizona Law.
  • Illegal Election

    Illegal Election
    In violation of Bylaws Article 3.1, ARS 33.1812, and ARS 10-3804, board members annoint select members to the board without an election. Perpetrators: Chris Gillies, and Liesure Life Management.
  • Liesure Life changes it's Name to Lighthouse Management

    Liesure Life changes it's Name to Lighthouse Management
    Pending a D minus rating by the Better Business Bureau, Leanne Rye changes her company name to Lighthouse Management.
  • Homeowners dues raised 10%

    Homeowners dues raised 10%
    Steve Wadding motions to raise homeowners dues from $43.93 to $48.32, this will help to cover a 214% increase in management fees starting the following month.
  • Complaint Filed with BBB

    Complaint Filed with BBB
    Liesure Life Managment recieves a complaint to the Better Business Bureau for Billing/Collections issues. Leanne Rye has already changed the name of her company and assumes to be shielded by the rating.
  • Managment fees increased by 214%

    Managment fees increased by 214%
    Yes, that's 214%. The name change from Liesure Life Management to Lighthouse Management raises management fees from $2800 to $6000 which is 3 times higher then surrounding communities like Garden Lakes and Sage Creek. The move blows the annual budget for management fees.
  • Illegal Election

    Illegal Election
    In violation of Bylaws Article 3.1, ARS 33.1812, and ARS 10-3804, board members annoint select members to the board without an election. Perpetrators: Chris Gillies, and Liesure Life Management.
  • Illegal Removal of Board Members

    Illegal Removal of Board Members
    In violation of Bylaws Article 3.3, ARS 10-3808, and ARS 33-1813 members of the board are illegally removed from office. Perpetrators: Steve Wadding, Leanne Rye (Lighthouse Management)
  • Director Compensation

    Director Compensation
    In violation of Bylaws Article 3.4 and ARS 33-1811, and following a vote to hike Management Fees by $3200 monthly, any protest from Chris Gillies is silenced by awarding him a monthly stipened for "Porter Services". He continues to recieve these monthly checks today. To this day Chris has yet to disagree with any decision made by the President or Lighthouse Management. He is a paid nodding head for the President, Management Company, and it's lawyer.
  • Lighthouse and Lawyer Bank on Collections

    Lighthouse and Lawyer Bank on Collections
    In colusion with the Travis Law Firm, Lighthouse Management returns a total of $5,147 in outstanding debts against homeowners in the community for all of 2009. The board pays Lighthouse Management and it's Lawfirm $30,352 for it's collections efforts. This accounts for a net loss of $25,205.
  • Lighthouse Takes a "Loan" From the Association

    Lighthouse Takes a "Loan" From the Association
    If you took the money without authorization and pay it back, is it stealing? For the first time in Association history, the management firm takes out an interest free loan/advance to float it's company. Leanne Rye pays herself $12,000 in management fees versus the contracted $6,000 monthly. She has control of the accounts and is able to do this without any authority from the community.
  • Lightouse Takes a "Loan" From the Association

    Lightouse Takes a "Loan" From the Association
    If you took the money without authorization and pay it back, is it stealing? For the second time in Association history, the management firm takes out an interest free loan/advance to float it's company. Leanne Rye pays herself $12,000 in management fees versus the contracted $6,000 monthly. She has control of the accounts and is able to do this without any authority from the community.
  • Illegal Assumption of Directorship

    Illegal Assumption of Directorship
    In violation of Bylaws Article 3.6, ARS 10-810, and ARS 33-1813, Pedro Lopez mysteriously appears in list of "board members present", Yet he'd been illegally removed by Steve Wadding the November prior. There is no indication of a resignation by previous director John Theibert, and Theibert does not have excessive absences therefore there is no vacancy to fill. Perpetrators: Leanne Rye (Lighthouse), Steve Wadding, Chris Gillies.
  • Homeowners dues raised by 10%

    Homeowners dues raised by 10%
    Steve Wadding motions to raise homeowners dues from $48.32 to $53.15. This is the second increase in the same year for a total of 20% increase from what members were paying the year prior.
  • Lighthouse and Laywer Bank on Collections

    Lighthouse and Laywer Bank on Collections
    In colusion with the Travis Law Firm, Lighthouse Management returns a total of $8,318 in outstanding debts against homeowners in the community for all of 2010. The board pays Lighthouse Management and it's Lawfirm $25,329 for it's collections efforts. This accounts for a net loss of $17,011.
  • Lighthouse Takes a "Loan" From Westwind

    Lighthouse Takes a "Loan" From Westwind
    If you took the money without authorization and pay it back, is it stealing? For the third time in Association history, the management firm takes out an interest free loan/advance to float it's company. Leanne Rye pays herself $12,000 in management fees versus the contracted $6,000. She has control of the accounts and is able to do this without any authority from the community.
  • Lighthouse Takes a "Loan" From Westwind

    Lighthouse Takes a "Loan" From Westwind
    If you took the money without authorization and pay it back, is it stealing? For the fourth time in Association history, the management firm takes out an interest free loan/advance to float it's company. Leanne Rye pays herself $12,000 in management fees versus the contracted $6,000. She has control of the accounts and is able to do this without any authority from the community.
  • Illegal Ammendment of Declaration

    Illegal Ammendment of Declaration
    The board bypasses the Ammendment process required by Article 11.7, and ARS 10-1003 in order to enact new rules that fundamentally alter language in CC&Rs Article 8.13. The move now requires all leases to be approved in the community. It is the boards goal to limit short term rentals.
  • Illegal Ammendment of Declaration

    Illegal Ammendment of Declaration
    The board bypasses the Ammendment process required by Article 11.7, and ARS 10-1003 in order to enact new rules that fundamentally alter language in CC&Rs Article 6.5. The move creates a new precedent that will allow the board to create rules for the disparate treatement of an un-favored class of owner.
  • Lighthouse Takes a "Loan" From Westwind

    Lighthouse Takes a "Loan" From Westwind
    If you took the money without authorization and pay it back, is it stealing? For the fifth time in Association history, the management firm takes out an interest free loan/advance to float it's company. Emboldened by her ability to get away with it, this time Leanne Rye pays herself $24,300 in management fees versus the contracted $6,000 monthly. She has control of the accounts and is able to do this without any authority from the community.
  • Angry Meeting of the Members

    Angry Meeting of the Members
    Members in the community express displeasure with the board and management company such that the increase in dues has not resulted in the beautification of the community. Members want board to bid out to a new management company. To protect her interest, Leanne Rye of Lighthouse Management recruits the angry members to an "Advisory Committee" and appoints herself to lead this committee in violation of Bylaws Article 3.12.
  • Members do the Job of the Board

    Members do the Job of the Board
    A group of members successfully convince the board that the cost and quality of landscaping is horrendous. They submit a proposal from proqual landscaping which results in a monthly savings of $2493. Kudos to Allen Dodson, Delores Ortega, and Steve Feniello!
  • Management Fees increased by 5%

    Management Fees increased by 5%
    Already paying 2-3 times higher then surrounding communities like Sage Creek, and Garden Lakes, and in the midst of an angry meeting of the members, the board rewards a $300 monthly increase to Lighthouse for management fees - $6300 monthly.
  • Lighthouse and Lawyer Bank on Collections

    Lighthouse and Lawyer Bank on Collections
    In colusion with the Travis Law Firm, Lighthouse Management returns a total of $25,954 in outstanding debts against homeowners in the community for all of 2010. The board pays Lighthouse Management and it's Lawfirm $31,661 for it's collections efforts. This accounts for a net loss of $5,707.
  • Management Fees increased by 5%

    Management Fees increased by 5%
    Already paying 2-3 times higher then surrounding communities like Sage Creek, and Garden Lakes, the board approves a $300 monthly increase to Lighthouse for management fees for a total of $6600.
  • Lighthouse and Lawyer Bank on Collections

    Lighthouse and Lawyer Bank on Collections
    In colusion with the Travis Law Firm, Lighthouse Management returns a total of $12,259 in outstanding debts against homeowners in the community between January and July of 2012 (the latest records I have). The board pays Lighthouse Management and it's Lawfirm $21,657 for it's collections efforts. This accounts for a net loss of $9,398 between January and July of 2012.
  • The Board and Lighthouse Bend

    The Board and Lighthouse Bend
    Under pressure from the community, for the first time in Association history, absentee ballots are sent out to homeowners in compliance of ARS 33-1812 and Bylaws Article 3.1. Lighthouse and the board state that only one position is available, yet all three board members terms are expired until succeeded as of November 2012.