
Quality Evolution

  • Classical School

    Classical School
    The classical school of thought generally concerns ways to manage work and organizations more efficiently. Three areas of study that can be grouped under the classical school are scientific management, administrative management, and bureaucratic management.
  • Period: to

    Quality Evolution

  • Scientific Management

    Scientific Management
    Aply the scientific method to optimize multiple tasks. -Frederick W. Taylor was its main proponent. Other major contributors were Frank Gilbreth, Lillian Gilbreth, and Henry Gantt.
  • Bureaucratic Management

    Bureaucratic Management
    Focuses on creating the ideal form of each organization, optimizing work times and work loads. -Max Weber was the major contributor.
  • Human Relations

    Human Relations
    It focuses on issues of communication, leadership, motivation, and group behavior, also trying to understand humans based on their surroundings. -The best-known contributors include Mary Parker Follett, Chester Barnard, Abraham Maslow, Kurt Lewin, Renais Likert, and Keith Davis. Read more: http://www.referenceforbusiness.com/management/Log-Mar/Management-Thought.html#ixzz425Rl06Uc
  • Walter A. Shewart

    Walter A. Shewart
    (March 18, 1891 New Canton, Illinois, U.S. - 11, 1967Troy Hills, New Jersey, U.S.)
    From the late 1930's onwards, Shewart's interests expanded from industrial quality science and statical inference. The tittle of his second book Statistical Method from the point of view of Quality Control (1939).
  • Behavioral School

    Behavioral School
    It focused on trying to understand the factors that affect human behavior at work in the organization. It is divided in two: Human relations and Behavioral Science.
  • Quantitative School

    Quantitative School
    It focuses on improving decision making via the application of quantitative techniques. Its roots can be traced back to scientific management. Is divided into 3: Management Science, Operations Management and Management Information Systems.
  • Management Science

    Management Science
    Uses mathematical and statistical approaches to solve management problems. George Dantzig developed linear programming, an algebraic method to determine the optimal allocation of scarce resources.
    MIS focuses on providing needed information to managers in a useful format and at the proper time.
  • Aministrative Management

    Aministrative Management
    Focuses on the management principles and processes, these focuses are meant to enhance administrative level performance. -Henri Fayol is the major contributor.
  • Armand V. Feigenbaum

    Armand V. Feigenbaum
    April 6, 1922 New York City - November 13, 2014 Pittsfield, Massachusetts)
    He wrote a book with the name of Total Quality Control in the 1940's, where he established that it is achieved when all areas and people of an institution working towards quality.
  • Joseph Moses Juran

    Joseph Moses Juran
    (December 24, 1904, Braila, Romania - February 28, 2008, Rye, New York, U.S.)
    In 1941 he discovered the work of Vilfredo Pareto and was the extended the application of so-called Pareto principle to quality issues, also he began his career in the 1920s, the principal focus in quality management was on the quality of the end, or finished, product and finally Juran was one of the first to write about the cost of poor quality. This was illustrated by his "Juran trilogy".
  • Kaoru Ishikawa

    Kaoru Ishikawa
    (July 13, 1915 Tokyo, Japan - April 16, 1989)
    In 1943 he developed the first diagram to advise a group of engineers from a Japanease industry. Diagram Cause and Effect is used as a systematic tool to find, select and document the acuses of varation in quality in production, and organize the relationship between them.
  • Genich Taguchi

    Genich Taguchi
    (January 1, 1924 Tokamachi, Japan - June 2, 2012)
    From the 1950s onwards, Taguchi developed a methodology for applying statistics to improve the Quality of manufactured goods.
    Taguchi has made a very influential contribution to industrial statistics:Taguchi loss function, The philosophy of off-line quality control and Innovations in the statistical design of experiments.
  • Behavioral Science

    Behavioral Science
    It focused on applying conceptual and analytical tools to the problem of understanding and predicting behavior in the workplace, also has contributed to the study of management through its focus on personality, attitudes, values, motivation, group behavior, leadership, communication, and conflict, among other issues. -The major contributors to this school include Douglas McGregor, Chris Argyris, Frederick Herzberg, Renais Likert, and Ralph Stogdill, although there are many others. Read more:
  • System School

    System School
    Understanding the organization as a system that transforms inputs into outputs while in constant interaction with its' environment. It focuses on the organization as a whole, its interaction with the environment, and its need to achieve equilibrium. -Early contributors to this school included Kenneth Boulding, Richard Johnson, Fremont Kast, and James Rosenzweig Read more: http://www.referenceforbusiness.com/management/Log-Mar/Management-Thought.html#ixzz425Skytx2
  • Contingency School

    Contingency School
    It focuses on applying management principles and processes as dictated by the unique characteristics of each situation
    It emphasizes that there is no one best way to manage and that it depends on various situational factors, such as the external environment, technology, organizational characteristics, characteristics of the manager, and characteristics of the subordinates
    -The major contributors to this school include Joan Woodward, Paul Lawrence, Jay Lorsch, and Fred Fiedler.
  • Shigeo Shingo

    Shigeo Shingo
    (1909 Saga, Japan - 1990 Japan)
    Was a Japanese industrial engineer who is considered as the world’s leading expert on manufacturing practices and the Toyota Production System.
    In 1961, he began to introduce simple mechanical instruments in the assembly processes , in order to prevent the parts are assembled incorrectly , warning signs when a worker forgot one party ( Poka Yoke ) .
  • Production and Operations Management

    Production and Operations Management
    It focuses on the operation and control of the production process that transforms resources into finished goods and services.
    Operations management emphasizes productivity and quality of both manufacturing and service organizations. W. Edwards Deming exerted a tremendous influence in shaping modern ideas about improving productivity and quality. Read more: http://www.referenceforbusiness.com/management/Log-Mar/Management-Thought.html#ixzz425Xrk8tQ
  • W. Edwards Deming

    W. Edwards Deming
    (October 14, 1900 Sioux City, Iowa - December 20, 1993 Washington, D.C.) Diffuser concept of total quality. His name is associated with the development and growth of Japan after World War II. His main work is Out of the Crisis (1986). Deming's ideas are reflected in the Fourteen Points and Seven Disease Management, in which states that any process variable and the lower the variability of the same, the higher the quality of the resulting product.
  • Edgar Schein

    Edgar Schein
    (March 5, 1928 Zurich)
    Has made a notable mark on the field of organizational development in many areas, including career development, group process consultation, and organizational culture. Schein's model of organizational culture originated in the 1980s. He identifies three distinct levels in organizational cultures:
    -Artifacts and behaviours
    -Espoused values
  • Philip B. Crosby

    Philip B. Crosby
    (June 18, 1926 Wheeling, West Virginia - August 18, 2001 Asheville, North Carolina)
    Was a businessman and author who contributed to management theory and quality management practices
    During the late 1970s and into the 1980s, North American manufacturers were losing market share to Japanese products largely due to the superior quality of the Japanese goods.
    Crosby's response to the quality crisis was the principle of "doing it right the first time" (DIRFT).
  • Mikel Harry

    Mikel Harry
    Since "Six Sigma" methodology spread to the late 90's the term has become a way of referring to processes seeking almost perfect quality levels by using data in a disciplined manner to eliminate defects in processes.
  • Peter M. Senge

    Peter M. Senge
    (1947 Stanford, California)
    In 1990 he wrote the book The Fifth Discipline where he develops the notion of organization as a system ( from the point of view of the General Systems Theory)