
The Crisis of the 1890s

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    Crisis of the 1890s

  • Cleveland elected President.....again

    Cleveland elected President.....again
    Whether it was poor competition or political destiny, against all odds Cleveland is back in the White House for a second term. However, this rare American feat will not be a walk in the park.
    Facing numerous business failures and farms being foreclosed, President Cleveland must act to save the nation from the brink of financial disaster. Will the mighty lion find the courage to act?
  • Hawaii annexed at last

    Hawaii annexed at last
    With a strong vote in the Senate (42-21), Hawaii becomes a territory of the United States. Now it will only be 61 years until this string of islands in the Pacific becomes an American state. Even though slightly reluctant, President McKinley rolled with the punches and allowed big business and a strong expansionist sentiment dominate his views. First Hawaii, second Samoa, and then the rest of the Pacific.