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The Creation of the Computer

  • Difference Engine

    Difference Engine
    In 1832, Charles Babbage had enough parts to create a section of the difference engine, able to compute 6 digit numbers.
  • Enigma

    The Enigma was created at the end of World War I, in order to encipher and decipher codes.
  • IBM

    Watson renamed the Ounch Card machine business IBM, and was customized for business and called the "Haulorith". Watson renamed the business IBM.
  • World War II

    World War II
    The beginning of World War II (1930's to 40's) spun the creation of the computer into action.
  • Colussus

    The computer named the "Colussus" was created to interpret German messages during World War II by the British.
  • Eniac

    John Mockley used half a million dollars to create the computer "Eniac" that could perfrom many, many computations every second. This also was used for Firing Tables, which were used in the military to aim high powered guns more effectively.
  • Transistor

    Bell Labs invented the Transistor.

    The UNIVAC was created to be a business computer by Eckertt and Mockley.
  • UNIVAC Delivered to Census

    UNIVAC Delivered to Census
    The first UNIVAC was delivered to the Census.
  • UNIVAC Used in Presidential Race

    UNIVAC Used in Presidential Race
    Remingtion Rand used the UNIVAC to predict the winner of the Presidential election, and at the end of the election was only off by 1% from the actual results.
  • IBM "701"

    IBM "701"
    Tom Watson jr. led IBM into the computer age, and in 1953, IBM revealed the computer "701".
  • Integrated Circuits

    Integrated Circuits
    Robert Noyce came up with chips made of silicon that wre integrated circuits. These led to the most powerful computers on Earth.
  • Mouse

    Doug Englemart devloped mouse.
  • Microprocessor

    Developed by Intel engineers in the 1960's, they were used in the Guidance Computer on the Apollo 13, which helped guide and save their trip around the moon.
  • Alto

    Xerox's Robert Taylor developed the personal computer, "Alto".
  • Apple 1

    Apple 1
    Steve Jobs and Steven Wasniack created the Apple 1 Computer.
  • Apple 2

    Apple 2
    Steven Wasniack developed the Apple 2, and sales skyrocketed.
  • Bill Gates

    Bill Gates
    One of the reasons for Bill Gates getting so rich was the fact that he understood the importance of Software.