the colonie of new york

  • Period: Jan 1, 1523 to

    the new york colony

    the history of new york
  • Jan 1, 1524

    discovery of new york

    giovanni de verrazano first found manhattan
  • new york originatged

    the new york colony originated
  • henry hudson

    henry hudson found new york
  • henry hudsons discovery

    henry hudson discovered newark bay
  • the trading

    trading began between the native americans and the dutch
  • the fort

    the dutch built a fort named new amsterdam
  • settlers

    first settlers arived in manhattan
  • settlements

    the dutch settlements began
  • war

    the war between england and poland began
  • king

    the king of england at the time sent his brother "and eventualy sucsesor" james to lead a group to the new netherlands
  • capture

    new amsterdam was captured and renamed new york because james's "title" at the time was "the duke of york"
  • granted government

    new york was afisialy granted represented style of government though this remained more theory than practice
  • the throne

    james asended the throne and new york became a royal cololy
  • the mid 1700's

    100,000 people called new york home