
The Collapse of Communism

  • Solidarity - Poland: Food Shortages and Strikes

    Solidarity - Poland: Food Shortages and Strikes
    Food shortages and price rises in Poland led to protests and workers in shipyards along the Baltic coast went on strike. The economny was poor and the Government decided to negotiate with its people, as they feared the use of force would upset the population and lead to greater protests.
  • Changes in the USSR

    Changes in the USSR
    Changes in USSR's policies, home and abroad.
  • Period: to

    Collapse of Communism

  • Solidarity - Poland: Government Forces

    Solidarity - Poland: Government Forces
    The newfound “Solidarity” had the Polish and Soviet government very worried that other countries would follow. The USSR urged Polish government to use armed forces to keep control and the ban trade union and arrest its leaders. General Jaruzelki (the new Polish Leader) introduced Martial Law and arrested Walesa and other union leaders. Martial Law - the imposition of military rule by military authorities over designated regions on an emergency basis.
  • Solidarity - Poland: Banning of Solidarity

    Solidarity - Poland: Banning of Solidarity
    General Jaruzelski banned “Solidarity” but released Walesa.
  • Solidarity - Poland: Ending of Martial Law

    Solidarity - Poland: Ending of Martial Law
    General Jaruzelski ended Martial Law, but refused to legalise Solidarity.
  • Solidarity - Poland 1984 - 1988: Economic Distasters

    Solidarity - Poland 1984 - 1988: Economic Distasters
    The Polish Government struggled to improve Poland’s economy. This economic crisis led to further strikes throughout the workforce.
  • Changes in the USSR

    Changes in the USSR
    Mikhail Gorbachev became the Secretary-General of Soviet Communist Party. He was considered to be a young leader, at 54, He:
    Noticed problems in USSR:-USSR has the lowest standards of living in all of Eastern Europe, with low standards of heath and housing that were already declining. -The USSR was also suffering from severe food shortages, and was forced to import grain from the USA and other Western countries. -Wealth of USSR could not keep up with the increase military spending.
  • Détente Again

    Détente Again
    These changes were due to the changes in the USSR, and the attiude of Reagan. Reagan's Aims:
    To expand the USA's Armed Forces.
    To base new missles - such as the Pershing and Cruise - in those European countries that wished to accept them.
    To launch the SDI - nicknamed "Star Wars". Gorbachev's Aims:
    To reduce Soviet aid worldwide.
    To improve relations with China.
    To seek Détente with the USA to reduce defence spending.
    To borrow money from Western banks for food, raw materials and equipment.
  • USSR's removal of forces in Afghanistan

    USSR's removal of forces in Afghanistan
    Soviet Union abandoned its nine-year war in Afghanistan and began to withdraw its forces.
  • Solidarity - Poland: Solidarity Triumphs Election

    Solidarity - Poland: Solidarity Triumphs Election
    Solidarity triumphed in the election and the Communist Party did badly. The leaders of Solidarity refused to join the Communist Government and General Jaruzelski was forced to appoint a non-Communist Prime Minister. General Jaruzelski agreed to:
    Legalise Solidarity.
    Increase press freedom.
    Hold elections (while reserving a majority of seats for the Communists).
  • Collapse of the Soviet Union 1989 - 1990

    Collapse of the Soviet Union 1989 - 1990
    Gorbachev's reforms had upset hard-line Communitsts and he quickly became so unpopular, and many people wanted to get rid of Communism altogether. People of the USSR became discontent with Gorbachev:
    Loss of Eastern Europe countries in 1989-90 made Gorbachev appeared weak.Economic reforms brought about no immediate improvements with more food shortages and prices rising.Many wanted to see the fall of Communism and its system, not just Communist reform
  • Solidairty - Poland

    Solidairty - Poland
    Walesa elected President of Poland in free elections