The Cold War

  • George Kennan's Long Telegram

    George Kennan's Long Telegram
    George Kennan sent a telegram from Moscow. The telegram Stated that Russia wanted to spread communism. This lead to the US wanting to contain the spread of communism.
  • Berlin Air Lift

    Berlin Air Lift
    After World War 2, Germany was divided into 4 parts, occupied by French, British, American, and Soviet troops. In 1948, American, British and French joined to make West Germany, but the Soviets refused to give up their section of Germany.The Soviets blocked Western Germany from everyone else, creating a barrier, which was where the Berlin wall would be built. President Truman sent supplies over the blockade by sending planes, and after eleven months, the blockade was lifted.
  • Formation of NATO

    Formation of NATO
    NATO stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organization. NATO was a treaty formed to protect European countries from the Soviets. It was made up of of the United States and 28 other countries.
  • The Hollywood 10

    The Hollywood 10
    A group of 10 Hollywood actors were accused of being communist. They refused to answer any questions on the accusation, and were blacklisted. They were denied from their jobs and their reputation was destroyed.
  • Formation of the Warsaw Pact

    Formation of the Warsaw Pact
    The Warsaw Pact was created in response to NATO. It consisted of Poland, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, East Germany, and the Soviet Union. The treaty was signed it Warsaw, Poland.
  • Launching of Sputnik

    Launching of Sputnik
    The Soviets launched Sputnik. Sputnik was the first official satellite. It was the start of the space race between the US and the Soviets.
  • U-2 Incident

    U-2 Incident
    Francis Gary Powers flew a spy plane low over Russia. His plane was shot down over a Soviet airspace. President Dwight D. Eisenhower was forced to admit to the Soviets that they had been flying spy planes over the USSR for years.
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall
    The Soviets wanted to keep Germans in East Germany, so that they would stay communist, and not leave and become Free. The Soviets Created a wall, separating East Berlin and West Berlin. The wall was kept up until 1989, when the communists said that they could cross the border.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    The Russians placed missiles in Cuba, and started building missile bases. John F. Kennedy threatened to invade Cuba if the Russians did not get rid of the missiles. There was an agreement that Russia would remove the missiles from Cuba, I the US removed their missiles from Cuba.
  • The Space Race

    The Space Race
    After the launch of the Soviet Satellite, Sputnik, President Dwight Eisenhower created the National Aeronautics Space Administration. In 1959, the Soviets launched Luna 2, which was the first satellite to land on the moon. In 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first man to orbit the Earth. John F. Kennedy declared that the US would land a man on the moon by the end of the decade. in 1968, Apollo 8 was launched by the US, bringing an end to the space race.