The Civil War

  • First Issue of The Liberator

    First Issue of The Liberator
    The liberator was created by a man named William Lloyd Garrison, and the last issue was on December 29, 1865.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    Introduced by Senator Henry Clay while trying to resolve conflict between North and South.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin Published

    Uncle Tom's Cabin Published
    Harriet Beecher Stowe was the author of this book. It is about the realities of slavery, and got the attention of many white northerners.
  • Kansas Nebraska Act

    Kansas Nebraska Act
    This was passed by the U.S. Congress. It allowed people within the Kansas/Nebraska territories to decide whether they want to allow slavery or not.
  • James Buchanan 15th President

    James Buchanan 15th President
    Buchanan had defeated Republican candidate John C. Fremont, and was sworn into presidency as the 15th president.
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott Decision
    Dred Scott was a slave that had lived in a free state, and decided to go to court. They overruled him as property saying that he couldn't even bring the case to court.
  • John Brown's Raid at Harper's Ferry

    John Brown's Raid at Harper's Ferry
    John Brown is a white abolitionist that tried to make a slave revolt on by trying to take over Harper's Ferry.
  • South Carolina Secedes

    South Carolina Secedes
    South Carolina seceded from the Union.
  • Abraham Lincoln Elected President

    Abraham Lincoln Elected President
    Lincoln is a republican candidate and was elected president on March 4, 1861.
  • Battle At Fort Sumter Begins

    Battle At Fort Sumter Begins
    Lincoln got a message saying that the soldiers at Fort Sumter were low on supplies. He had told Governor Francis Pickens to bring supplies. The Union had surrendered to Jefferson Davis and his Confederate troops.
  • Battle of Bull Run (1st)

    Battle of Bull Run (1st)
    First major battle of the Civil War. Confederates won, and Union was forced to retreat to Washington D.C.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    Second major battle of the Civil War. Union won, and Confederates were forced to go back down the hill they were fighting on. 25,000 Confederate casualties, and 23,000 Union casualties. Happened from July 1 - July 3.