The British Isles

  • Battle of Britian

    Battle of Britian
    This date marks the beginning of the battle and was a major turning point in the future of the U.K. because the Germans were trying to take over. By the British Army defeating the Germans, would put Britain in higher power.
  • Charles I

    Charles I
    Charles I goes on trial. He is under charges of high treason and is found guilty and later beheaded. It gives them a new ruler that will bring stability to the government.
  • Bill of Rights

    Bill of Rights
    The U.K. establishes its first Bill of Rights. Creating the Bill of Right brings order to the U.K. in its war time.
  • Potato Famine

    Potato Famine
    The Potato Famine took place. Immigrants went to America, a lot of people left Ireland, the population went from 8 million to 6 million. The famine took place due to lack of growth in crops and a freezing climate, this caused many to die.
  • Irish Independence

    Irish Independence
    A campaign is set up by the IRA to proclaim Irish independence, This leads to a stabalized economey and a new set of guidelines.
  • UK Agreeing to Foundation

    UK Agreeing to Foundation
    The UK works out an agreement for the base of the Irish free state. By agreeing to the foundation, they can setup their own rules and laws.
  • Irish Civil War

    Irish Civil War
    There were about 3,000 deaths during the Irish Civil War. The reason for the war was because in 1921 there was a truce arranged between the British government and the IRA. Both areas tried to a self-government agreeable to both sides.
  • Penicillin

    Discovery of penicillin is made. Years later it is tested on its first patient in the U.K. Helps lead to further medical miracles and medical discoveries.
  • Stock Market Crash

    Stock Market Crash
    After the stock market crash, there was a rise in unemployment around the world, especially in the UK. The stock market crashed over night and people woke up to Black Tuesday
  • Elections

    An election was taken to vote for a new constituition to get rid of the Irish Free State and make Eire an independent state. By making Erie an independent state, they can create their own rules.
  • World War 2

    World War 2
    During the ongoing of WW2, Irish citizens decide to join Allied forces, while Eire decides to stay neutral.
  • The U.K. and NATO

    The U.K. and NATO
    The U.K. becomes a founder member of NATO.There are 11 other countries that signed with them as well. By the end, the total countries that joined NATO is up to 28.
  • Ireland Joins the United Nations

    Ireland Joins the United Nations
    Ireland joins the United Nations, it turns down NATO. By turning down NATO Ireland could reach higher opportunities with the United Nations.
  • De Valera

    De Valera
    After being Prime Minister, De Valera becomes president. A new president brings a new outlook on the future.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    26 protesters were shot by the British army as well bystanders. a total count of thirteen males died this day seven of whom were teenagers.
  • EEC

    U.K. joins the EEC (European Economic Community). Ireland and Denmark also join bringing the member states to 9. The EEC is an international organization created when the Treaty of Rome was passed.
  • Mary Robinson

    Mary Robinson
    Mary Robinson was the first female president for Ireland. This gives more women hope for extra power in the future.
  • U.K. Forces

    U.K. Forces
    U.K. forces take part in the air war with Yugoslavia. This was a military opperation put in place by NATO. NATO was formed in 1949 when the Washington treaty passed.
  • Lisbon Treaty

    Lisbon Treaty
    After regecting it years prior, Ireland votes for the European Union's Lisbon Treaty, passing it. The Lisbon Treaty ammends but does not replace any treaties.
  • Nice Treaty

    Nice Treaty
    Needing to be approved by 15 EU states, Ireland decides to reject the Nice Treaty. Rejection of the Nice Treaty leads to an uproar, but also help to ammend the Maastricht Treaty.