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The Australian History

  • The Dutch

    The Dutch
    The Dutch had came to Australia, but are driven off by the Aborigines and abandon further exploration, and never came back.
  • William Dampier

    William Dampier
    Explorer William Dampier explores the west coasts of Australia.
  • Captain James Cook discovery

    Captain James Cook sailed arounf Australia, and claims Australia and names it New South Wales for England
  • The british prison colony

    The British decide to use Australia as a prisoner colony,
  • New South Wale

    New South Wales is an official penal colony
  • The penal colony

    Britain makes its first sail to Australia to make it into a penal colony and establishes and settles in Port Jackson with British convicts
  • Prisioners jobs

    Prisoners are used for working such as building hospital, bridges, builings, houses, and roads.
  • Government Officials

    Government officials create boundaries for the colonies
  • The American Revolution

    Britain stops sending convicts to New South Wales because of the American Revolution. Tried to make another Prison Colony.
  • The Commonwealth

    The Commonwealth of Australia is established