The American Revolution

  • Washington Assumes Command of the Army

    Thanks to Washington's experiance in the French and Indian War, he was able to inspire and lead the Continental Army. Washington's leadership helped in turning the Continental Army from a group of volunteer farmers to a trained militrary.
  • The Shot Heard Round the World

    The Shot Heard Round the World
    The famous "Shot Heard Round the World" was fired during the first major battle of the Revolutionary War, the Battle of Concord. The colonists felt wronged by this attack on them, and procceeded to complain to the king, who did nothing about it, which further angered the colonists. The Second Continental Congress was meeting in Philidelphia at the time, and they too heard about the attack on Americans in Concord.
    Image: The Battle of Lexington and Concord. Digital image. N.p., n.
  • Colonists Declare Independence from Britain

    Colonists Declare Independence from Britain
    While this event might be self-explanitory, it's important to note that everyone who signed the Declaration and all those fighting the British were committing treason. This was the point of no return.
    Image: Declaration of Independence. Digital image. Library of Congress, n.d. Web. 20 Sept. 2015.
  • British Attack New York City

    British Attack New York City
    This was a dismal faliure for the Continental Army. The shabby volunteers are unable to stand up to the British forces, resulting in General Washington's first loss.
    Image: British Take New York. Digital image. Library of Congress, n.d. Web. 20 Sept. 2015.
  • Ben Franklin Leaves for France

    Ben Franklin Leaves for France
    Ben Franklin used his fame in literary and scientific circles to gain access higher society. His sucess in persuading France to aid the Americans turned the tide of the war, ensuring that the Americans would win.
    Image: Ben Franklin. Digital image. White House, n.d. Web. 20 Sept. 2015.
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    The Continental Army Winter at Valley Forge

    At the begining of the war, the Continetal Army wasn't much of an army at all. It was mostly a group of ragtag volunteers made up of farmers and fronteersmen. The stay at Valley Forge changed all that. With training from Washington and Von Stueben, the army emerged from Valley Forge a deadly fighting force.
  • Use of Innoculation at Valley Forge

    When smallpox ran rampant throughout Valley forge, the fate of the Continental Army seemed dismal. However, through the use of the new technique of inoculation, exposing someone to the virus over a shorter period of time, resulted in saving a lot of lives and preserving the Army.
  • Treaty of Alliance With France Is Signed

    Treaty of Alliance With France Is Signed
    Since the colonists weren't doing so hot in the war, being vastly outgunned and outshipped, they struck a deal with England's arch rival, France. France wanted to get a change to dissrupt England's prosperity, and helping the colonists was a great way to do this. By bringing in French forces, the Americans now stood a fighting chance against the British army.
    Image: Treaty of Alliance With France, 1778. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Sept. 2015. <
  • General Von Steuben Arrives at Valley Forge

    General Von Steuben Arrives at Valley Forge
    Friedrich Von Steuben was a Prussian millitary officer who used his skills to train and discipline the Continental Army at Valley Forge. Thanks to his trainging, and his foresight in rearanging the camp, the Continental Army not only survived the winter, but were now capable of fighting the British.
    Image: Friedrich Von Steuben. Digital image. National Parks Service, n.d. Web. 20 Sept. 2015.
  • Cornwallis Surrenders At Yorktown

    Cornwallis Surrenders At Yorktown
    The last major battle of the American Revolution ended with the surrender of Gen. Cornwallis of the British army at Yorktown. By this point, the former ragtag American forces were a trained fighting force, thanks to the disipline of Valley Forge and Von Stuben. Ebenezer Denny, a major in the continental army, describes the American forces parading and behaving like a true army.
    Image: Thurmbull, John. Surrender of Lord Cornwallis. Digital image. Architect of the Capitol, n.d. Web. 20