the age of exploration

By cassie1
  • Nov 1, 1400

    the age of exploration

    By the mid 1400s ,Europe began to reachout beyond its boundries in a great age of discovery and exploration.
  • Nov 1, 1488

    The age of exploration

    In1488, Bartholomeu Dias reached the cape of good hope at the southeren tip of Africia. 10 years later ,Vasco da Gama sailed around it to India.
  • Nov 1, 1492

    The age of exploration

    In 1492,they sent a Italian navigator Christopher Clombus ,with three small ships the Nina , the Pinta , and the Santa Maria westward across the Alantic.
  • the age of exploration

    In the 1770s, the american colonies, beginning with the thirteen british coloniesin North America, revolted aganist British control.
  • The age of exploration

    In their place , traders eventually transported more than 20 million Africans to the Americas as enslaved persons, untill the slave trade was outlawed in the early 1800s.