army has significant power over civilian institutions regarding maintaining public order and security
  • 1932 coup

    Phahon, Pridi, Phibun. due to young and ambitious commoner elites, indecisive of king, monopoly of power by monarchy, austerity progs in aftermath of King Vajirarudh's profligate reign + GD, lower salaries, dismissal of the officers, lowered export prices
  • Royalists tried to restore royal authority

    suppressed by Phibun
  • 1934 Press Act legalised censorship

    disallowed formation of political parties
  • 53/78 of appointed Assembly members military, in contrast to 8/78 elected

    2x as much spent on military compared to education
  • military rule

  • 11 COUPS SINCE 1938

  • Phibun consolidated position further

    exiled/ dispossessed old guard of military commanders involved in 1932 coup, thus became supreme. admired Japan, collaborated with them, declared war against West, annexed 'historically' Thai territory, further strengthened and legitimised political position of military as guardians of Thailand. complete control fo mass comm (build praise faith admiration for leader), various portfolios
  • Pridi Free Thai resistance movement 1945

    tide turned against axis powers, pridi overthrew phibun, brief constitutional interlude until 1947, party politics, fully elected assembly, return o seized territories, liberal foreign policy that supported anti-colonial indep mvmts, political parties as vehicles for patronage instead of instituionalised expression of social and political freedom, bitter competition (Free Thais, royalists, democrat party, fighting came to a head w king anada's assassination)
  • king ananda assassination

  • officers on behalf of Phibun staged successful coup

    nominated dem party leader Khuang Aphaiwang as PM, dems won electoral majority, formed unusually well-qualified govt that had integrity, ability and experience to run country
  • Period: to

    favourable balance of trade

    continuing heavy world demand for Thai exports, econ nationalism drew flurry of econ activity and development. launched "Thai enterprises", harrassed chinese community, select partnership between Thai military-bureaucratic elites and wealthy chinese businessmen
  • govt succumbed to army ultimatum by Phibun

    Phibun and military strengthened grip on power when Pridi attempted failed coup THUS ADDED REASON FOR POLICE AND MILITARY REPRESSION
  • thai economy improved

    thru 1950s, due to demand for rice, rubberm tin from KW. long term, Thailand has large increase in manufacturing sector activity, US supported regime due to strong anti-communist stance, Thai powerful and stable
  • 'silent coup' by army and police

    abolished 1949 constitution, dissolved parliament and half-nominated Assembly (per 1932) restored
  • baht one of the strongest currencies in the world

    economy recovered from war
  • 1953 anti-communist laws

    global and regional communist threats as justification for increasingly authoritarian regime, return of Ohibun welcome as Pridi led to economic deterioration, wartime inflation, shortage of goods, destruction of communications, Allied enforced rice reparations for Jap collab
  • founding member of SEATO

    pouring in of US aid and arming soldiers to the teeth
  • Phibun win 1955 elections through vote rigging

    public outcry reached a head in 1956, Phibun declared state of emergency and put General Sarit in charge of public order -> launched a coup to topple Phibun
  • Sarit seized power

    after years of factional struggles, Phibun lost control of armed forces, got exiled. Sarit used interim constitution, closed down Assembly, banned political parties ,eliminated trade unions, controlled press, martial law. NO LET UP IN MILITARY CONTROL -> Sarit as ALL IMPT POSITIONS , INCREASE AUTHORITY -> king Bhumibol to tour provinces, groundwork for transformation -> irrelevant figurehead to charismatic, benevolent, wise king THUS SARIT OVERCAME BITTER DIVISIONS OF MIL AND BUREAUCRATS
  • 1965 armed struggle with communists

  • 1969 elections

    United Thai People's Party (govt party) and Thanom's party gaining majority, threat of communism with US phased withdrawal from Vietnam, spread of communist insurgency in Thailand THUS CHOSE TO RETURN TO MILITARY AUTH AS A GUARANTEE OF NATL SECURITY
  • 1971 coup

    Assembly dispersed, constitution abrogated, banned political parties, martial law
  • 500,00 people demonstrated against regime

    regime responded by firing at unarmed protestors, king gave shelter in the palace and asked them to disband, dissociated self from violence, army refused to take further orders thus Thanom resigned and exiled
  • OCT 6 CLIMAX: military intervened, Thanom returned from exile

  • OCT 1976 COUP

    Kriangsak eased press censorship, had better relations with labour unions, amnesty to student leaders arrested in 1976, political parties allowed to organise and operate relatively freely, elections held. greater civilian role and participation, reinstated democratic institutions
  • Prem PM

    stabilised political system, orchestrated economic boom, dbl digit growth in 1980s, institutional mechanisms for business groups to interact with state bureaucrats and cabinet ministries eg Natl Defence College, involve military in development projects to legitimise presence in rural areas
  • 1986 elections

    unstable govt, Prem authority declined in face of internecine fighting and growing criticism of minister's corruption
  • Prem resigned

    replaced by Chatichai Chamlong, elected Mp shows rise of civilian politician influence, curbed power of Senate, reduced military influence, more corruption !!!
  • 1991 military coup

    lip service paid to democracy, retained piwer through various measures through new constitution. elections planned for 1992. 1992 elections won by Samakkhi Thai Party (Suchinda), leader discredited due to drug trafficker links thus Suchinda seized power

    17-20 May, armed forces cracked down on protestors, King intervened, summoned Suchinda to palace, TV broadcast asking for peaceful resolution to crisis, Amnesty to protestors, support for constitutional amendment for PM to be elected
  • 1992 elections

    armed forces less political rule, purged officers in armed forces responsible for brutal suppression
  • suchinda resigned

  • 1997 constitution

    create oversight institutions for checks and balances, constitutional court oversee judiciary, indep election commission, expand NACC powers, single district member election system, party switching ban, prevent coalitional collapse BUT RESURFACED POLITICAL DIVISION, could not solve vote buying and corrupt practices
  • 2001 elections

    Thaksin TRT party landslide victory -> shift to party voting, const changes allowed Thaksin to build up political capital and broad based appeal, orchestrated party defections before ban, consolidated power