Territorial and Economic Expansion, 1830-1860

  • Mexico Attracts Settlers

    -Mexico hoped to attract settlers to farm northern frontier provinces
  • Mexico's Abolition

    Mexico outlawed slavery and required all immigrants to convert to Roman Catholicism
  • Period: to

    Territorial and Economic Expansion

  • Dictatorship

    General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna made himself dictator of Mexico and abolished the federal system.
  • Texas's revolt

    American settlers led by Sam Houston revolted and declared Texas an independent republic.
  • President Tyler

    Whig candidate John Tyler was elected president
  • The Webster -Ashburton Treaty of 1842

    The disputed territory between Maine and British Canada was split between the two
  • Tyler's attempt at annexation

    U.S. senate rejected Tyler's attempt to annex Texas. The treaty of annexation
  • The Election of 1844

    The democratic nomination for presidency was the proslavery, proannexation, John C. Calhoun.
  • Telegraph

    An electric telegraph demonstrated by creator Samuel F.B. Morse helped with industry growth
  • War with Mexico

    President Polk sent John Slidell to try and sell Mexico and California territories to the U.S. and settle the Mexico-Texas border dispute.
  • A cause of war

    President Polk ordered the General Zachary Taylor led U.S. army to move toward the Rio Grande, but a Mexican army came and captured a U.S. patrol and 11 soldiers.
  • California Republic

    John C. Fremont overthrew Mexican rule in northern California and proclaimed it an independent republic
  • Dividing Oregon

    The senate passed the teaty to divide Oregon down the 49th parallel.
  • Wilmot Proviso

    David Wilmot proposed a bill to outlaw slavery in the new territories
  • Military Campaign

    Americans won a major victory at Buena Vista after driving the Mexican army back to northern Mexican
  • Vera Cruz

    General Winfield Scott captured the Mexican city of Vera Cruz on orders by President Polk
  • Treaty of Guadalupe

    Negotiated by American diplomat Nicholas Trist it provided that Mexico would recognize the Rio Grande as the southern border of Texas and the U.S. would take control of former Mxican provinces and the U.S. would pay 15 million dollars
  • Gold Rush

    Gold rush to California
  • Clayton-Bulwer Treaty

    Ensured that neither Great Britain or the U.S. would try an take exclusive control of a Central American canal
  • U.S. Grant

    U.S. government granted 2.6 million acres of federal land to build the Illinois Central Railroad
  • President Pierce

    Elected President
  • Attempt at Baja

    William Walker unsuccessfully tried to take Baja California from Spain
  • Mexico Sells

    Mexico agreed to sell thousands of acres of semidesert to the U.S. for 10 million dollars
  • Perry and Japan

    Perry convinced Japan to open two Japanese ports to U.S. vessels
  • William's excapade

    William Walker led a group of mostly southerners and took over Nicaragua
  • Panic of 1857

    The economic boom ended with a finacial drop
  • Walker dead

    William Walker was executed by Honduran authorities
  • Alaska

    Secretary of State William Seward purchased Alaska
  • Hay-Pauncefote Treaty

    Gave the U.S. a free hand to build a canal without British participation