Technology Timeline

  • Electron Microscope

    Electron Microscope
    This was invented by Ernst Ruska and Max Knoll, and it allowed scientists to get a clearer picture of what they were viewing compared to other microscopes at the time.
  • Radar

    This was invented by Sir Robert Watson-Watt, and this invention allowed people to detect objects in conditions where light and visibility were not so good.
  • Walkie talkie

    Walkie talkie
    This was invented by Don Hings, and it allowed people to communicate from a portable device.
  • Jet engines

    Jet engines
    This was invented by Hans Pabst von Ohain, and the jet engine allowed aircraft to travel even faster.
  • Helicopter

    This was designed by Igor Sikorsky, and his idea was to use it for faster air transport and to get to places where planes could not reach.