
  • The first computer.

    The first computer.
    The first computer was called the ENIAC and was invented by J.Presper Eckert and John Mauchly at the University of Pennsylvania and they started construction in 1943 but it was finally finished in 1946. It took up 1800 square feet and weighed 50 Tons.
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    The First Era of Computers.

    The first era of computers stared in 1946 with the ENIAC and in 1947 they had already made another computer called the EDSAC which was smaller and had more power.IN 1951 they used the UNIVAC to calculate the election of Dwight Eisenhower.
  • The transistor was created

    The transistor was created
    The transistor was invented at Bell Labs in 1947 but did not see widespread use in computers until the late 1950s.
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    The Second Era of Computers.

    The second era of computers were sparked by an invention made by three scientist in 1947. The invention was called a transistor and it was created by John Bardeen, William Shockley, and Walter Brattain. The transistor was cheaper, faster, smaller, and just overall better than vacuum tubes, the things previously used to transport the electrical signals through the computer. The transistor sparked the second age of computers.
  • The integrated circuit was created

    The integrated circuit was created
    While at Fairchild, Noyce developed the integrated circuit. The same concept has been invented by Jack Kilby at Texas Instruments in Dallas a few months previously. In 1959 Noyce filed a patent for his conception of the integrated circuit.
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    The Third Era of Computers.

    After the major breakthrough with the transistors people wanted computers to be even smaller and more powerful. So Robert Noyce and Jack Kilby found out about the amazing integrated circuit. An integrated circuit was a large amount of transistors on a small wafer of silicon. Every two years the number was increased and finally a computer was about the size of a small filing cabinet.
  • The first microprocessor

    The first microprocessor
    The Intel 4004 is a 4-bit central processing unit (CPU) released by Intel Corporation in 1971. It was the first commercially available microprocessor by Intel. The chip design started in 1970, when Federico Faggin joined Intel, and it was completed under his
    leadership in 1971.
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    The Fourth Era of Computers(Today)

    Today we have Microprocessors that have millions of transistors in one chip and has the power of the whole computer. They were supposed to be used in calculators but made there way into computers and later in to Laptops and Personal Computers(PC).
  • The Bill Gates Story.

    The Bill Gates Story.
    In 1974 Paul Allen was on his way to visit Gates when he saw the Altair 8800 and this blew his mind and he rushed to Gates when he saw it. They knew the computer industry was about to explode and they would need someone to create software for the computer so they took the opportunity. Gates called MITZ, creator of the Altair 8800, and told them that he had created a BASIC that could be used for the Altair even though he didn't even have one line of code but he made the code and flew to MITZ.
  • The Apple Story

    The Apple Story
    In 1976, Wozniak decided to build a small computer that would be easy to use. Steve Jobs wanted to market it. So they started their business Apple Computer, INC with the money Jobs got from selling his Volkswagen Bus and Wozniak's scientific calculator.