Technology over time

  • First teaching job!

    First teaching job!
    I started my first teaching job in a Kindergarten Classroom. I did have a white board to use. We also used many read aloud books and math materials to help students understand math.
    The only computer in the classroom is mine.
    I also handwrite my lesson plans in a binder.
  • Years 2-4 of Teaching

    Years 2-4 of Teaching
    I begin my 2nd year of teaching at a new school and a new grade level. I am now teaching first grade. I have chalkboards on 2 of my walls that I am told students are supposed to write on daily for handwriting, phonics and math. I use an overhead projector and transparencies to aide my teaching and for student interaction.
  • Year 5 of Teaching

    Year 5 of Teaching
    Again - a school and grade level change! I am now back in a Kindergarten classroom. I have a SMART Board, but I am not familiar with how to use it. I mainly use it to help project images on the board and have students write on it. I also still use many books and math activities to help support my instruction. Now there are 3 student pcs in my classroom. Students will use these during center time.
  • Year 6 of Teaching

    Same school - new grade - 4th and what a jump! I am in the same school so I have a SMART Board, but I am still not sure how to use it. I make visual presentations for my students using Power Point since that is what I am used to. The students will have visual supports for math, science, social studies and reading. I have guided reading groups to help with reading, as well.
  • Years 7 and 8 of Teaching

    Moving once again - back to Kindergarten. This time it is a K/1 looping classroom. I am in the same district as before, but just a different school site. The teachers I teach with here use SMART Notebook more frequently and share materials. I am now starting to get ready to explore and have some training on SMART Notebook.
    I have started using Microsoft Word to type my lesson plans for the week.
  • Year 9 and 10 of Teaching

    I am in LOVE with SMART Notebook! I have Notebook lessons for my entire day - reading, writing, math, science, social studies, centers and calendar! Every morning, I open all of my slides for the am and then during lunch I will do the same for the afternoon. Since I loop and focus on different grade levels each year, two years will be similar processes getting files prepared and ready. My first graders will use the computer lab for testing a few times this year.
  • Year 11 of Teaching

    Year 11 of Teaching
    Big changes in delivery! I have started following The Sisters and changed up the format of my instruction. I now do the mini lessons (5 minutes) whole group and then 20 minute small group guided instruction. Students have choices about what they will do if they are not working with me. We model, practice and build stamina so students can use their time wisely to practice their reading, writing and math skills.
  • Year 12 of Teaching

    The district is trying to go 1:1. In the early elementary, it will look different. They have provided us with 6 laptops for each classroom for student use. We are exploring sign on practices and activities students can use the laptops for.
  • Year 13 of Teaching

    Year 13 of Teaching
    We have used an x drive to store our materials. We are being encouraged to move all of our files over to One Drive. This is an ongoing process for me. I have moved over my Kindergarten files and am hoping to do my first grade ones this year.
    I also tried to have a more flexible classroom for seating. I created a Donors Choice project for new tables and seating options in my classroom.
    In addition to this, all classroom teachers have been provided laptops that we plug into our monitor at school.
  • Year 14 of Teaching

    SMART Notebook changes are the theme this year. Our district has upgraded to the newest format of SMART Notebook. There are many new features and tools we can use. With the new version, Flash is no longer available, so many of our interactive activities are not working anymore. We have been provided with some training at staff meetings and we have 2 SMART certified teachers. I am exploring how to update my previous SMART Notebooks.
    I am using Plan book.
    I am also co-teaching with a SPED teacher.
  • Year 15 of Teaching

    New SMART Boards are on the way! We will need training on how to best use them and the features they have.