
Technology History Timeline

By grant.h
  • Calculator

    George Stiblitz developed the first calculator, a stepping stone to the first computer. He was called Stibitz, the father of the modern digital computer because he designed the first electrical digital computer.
  • The First Computer- ENIAC

    The First Computer- ENIAC
    ENIAC stands for Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer. The ENIAC is argued to be the first all electronic computer. It was a secret World War II military project being carried out by John Mauchly. It contained 17,500 vacuum tubes.
  • Transistors

    The transistor was invented by Wiliiam Shockley. There were two types of transistors at first, the "point-contact" and "bipolar" transistors, but the bipolar transistor was superior to the point-contact so it replaced it.
  • Keyboard

    The keyboard was invented to help the process of information. Before the keyboard people used to punch cards and with this invention it allowed information to be processed smoother.
  • First Stored Program Electronic Computer

    First Stored Program Electronic Computer
    EDSAC short for Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator, is an early British computer that is considered to be the first stored program electronic computer. The computer was built at the University of Cambridge. Was the first computer to run a graphical computer game, which had been named "Baby."
  • SEAC Computer Invented

    SEAC Computer Invented
    SEAC or Standards Eastern Automatic Computer was a first-generation electric computer. Built by the U.S. National Bureau of Standards and was made as a place holder till more powerful computers could be made.
  • TX-o Created

    TX-o Created
    TX-o or Transistorized Experimental computer zero, also known as tixo. TX-o was an early fully transistorized computer which contained a then-huge 64k of 18-bit magnetic core memory.
  • The Computer Mouse

    The Computer Mouse
    Invented by Douglas Englebart, and was made as a easier motive of using computer. Was called the "mouse" because its USB cord sticking out the back resembled a mouse.
  • ARPANET Invented

    ARPANET Invented
    ARPANET stands for Advanced Research Projects Agency Network and was the first computer network. It was created for military purposes by the DOD and used the TCP/IP protocol.
  • First Video Game

    First Video Game
    The first video game was an application made to make the computer more appealing/entertaining to people. Video games brought attention to computers making them more popular.
  • The Portable Computer

    The Portable Computer
    Altair invented the first ever portable computer. The invention, also known as the laptop was made to make getting access to your own device much simpler and convenient.
  • Commodore PET Invented

    Commodore PET Invented
    The Commodore PET, Personal Electronic Transactor, is part of a line of personal computers. It was a top seller in Canadian and United States educational markets, also was one of Commodores first full featured computer.
  • The World Wide Web

    The World Wide Web
    Creation of the World Wide Web was made to pass information in under a matter of seconds. It is now used for many websites and supports many programs.
  • Bluetooth

    Bluetooth was invented by Sven Mattisson. Bluetooth got its name from the king of Denmark who supposedly had a rotten tooth that looked blue.
  • Google

    Google was made by Sergey Brin and Larry Page. Google is now the most popular and most used search engine today.