
Educational Technology Development

  • Period: to

    Evolution of Educxational Technology

    According to Dunn 2011, Classroom technology have come a long way. there's been an expoential growth in educational technology advances over the years, From overhead projectors to ipads, its important to understand not only what's coming next but also where it all started.
  • Flim Strip

    Flim Strip
    Tiki tokiFilmstrips were used from the 1940s to the 1980s. Teachers would load a roll of film with static images into the projector. Many filmstrips came with a phonograph record (later a cassette tape) with the narration. An audible beep would indicate when to move to the next image. Some film strips simply came with a script for the teacher to read, while later model projectors could auto-advance based on sub-audible tones embedded in the cassette tape.
  • Mainframe Computer

    Mainframe Computer
    mainframe computers The start of computer-assisted instruction

    HistoryofInformation.com the arpanet was originally developed for the military but quickly became adopted by major institues of higher learning for file sharing.
  • Scantron Developed

    Scantron Developed
    [The New York Times](http:///www.nytimes.com/interactive/2010/09/19/magazine/classroom-technology.html) Scantron change the way educators test students. quickly assess learning, and save time grading. Instead of writing out every answer, now students had many more 'multiple-choice' tests. Eventually, Scan-tron made its way into all important tests, such as SAT and PSAT.
  • T1-30 Scientific Calculator

    T1-30 Scientific Calculator
    TI-30The TI-30 was a scientific calculator manufactured by Texas Instruments, the first model of which was introduced in 1976. revolutionized the way math was used and taught.
  • IBM Computers

    IBM Computers
    wikipediaThe invention of personal computer revolutionized technology and eventually modernize education.
  • Compact Disc

    Compact Disc
    Compact disc technology allowed for storage of larger amounts of data and reference material.
  • 3D Printing

    3D Printing
    Used in education by many students and educators.
  • Graphing Calculators

    Graphing Calculators
    [The New York Times](http:////www.nytimes.com/interactive/2010/09/19/magazine/classroom-technology.html) This was a beginning of revolution in math and science.Casio was the first to develop a calculator that could graph difficult math and science problems using innovative technology.
  • Powerpoint Presentation

    Powerpoint Presentation
    Robert GaskinsPowerPoint presentations introduced to present an innovative way of presenting information to students.
  • World Wide Web

    TimetoastWorld wide web world wide web provided students with easy access to information with a global connection contributing to student being world citizens.
  • Visual Aids

    Visual Aids
    Evolution of Technology in EducationVCR's were incorporated to make lessons more vivid and realistic. Moving pictures were better remembered by students than still text.
  • Interactive Whiteboards

    Interactive Whiteboards
    Interactive whiteboards In some classrooms, interactive whiteboards have replaced traditional whiteboards or flipcharts, or video/media systems such as a DVD player and TV combination. Even where traditional boards are used, the IWB often supplements them by connecting to a school network digital video distribution system. These boards appeal to different learners.
  • Internet in Schools

    Internet in Schools
    National Center for Education StatisticsInternet in Public Schools was introduced by President Bill Clinton and Al Gore.Students were able to access information that aided in the educational development.
  • Google

    GoogleGoogle – a valuable search engine that drastically reduced research time for students. The constructivist approach of Vygotsky, Dewey and Piaget is embedded in computer technologies.
  • Flash Drive

    Flash Drive
    [Prezi](http:////prezi.com/12bxsgnhx0mk/the-history-of-the-flash-drive/) Flash drives were created to store large amounts of information. This is veryuseful to many students in saving information and assignments.

    Tiki toki
    In 2004, Apple updated iTunes, making podcast distribution easier. Podcasting took off. Educators, particularly at the college level, began to distribute podcasts of educational material.
  • Smartphones

    Smartphones are used by many pupils and teachers to send and recieve information, complete and research projects along with other personal aspects.
    Digital Trends
  • Apple IPAD

    Apple IPAD
    Macworld Apple releases the iPad, the first popular tablet computer. After many failed attempts by others, Apple releases a wildly popular tablet computer. Educators instantly see many possibilities for classroom use.
  • Wikis, Blogs

    Blogs Technology has taken this interactivity to a further stage: collaboration. Today's world is all about collaborative creation and learning.Many blogs provide commentary on a particular subject, can be use to keep diaries. Many college students are familiar with these sources.
  • Biometrics

    PURDUE UniversityBiometrics, a technology that recognizes people based on certain physical or behavioral traits, is on the technological horizon. The science will be used to recognize the physical and emotional disposition of students in the classroom, altering course material to tailor to each individual’s needs based on biometric signals.
  • Education and Technology

    Education and Technology
    Surely, the world of educational technology should be at a level that leaves us amazed. I predict that there will be fully euiped smart classrooms, wearable computers, truly individualized education, no need for paper and pens and completely developed technological instruction.