Elaine's Tech Timeline

By Egnote
  • Record Player

    Vinyl record players used to listen to music at home.
  • AM Radio

    AM Radio in car - no other options.
  • Black & white TV

    Watched television on a black & white TV that had to warm up before it would show anything.
  • Abacus

    Counting to high numbers and doing basic math problems
  • Filmstrips

    Filmstrips used at school to show visual images.
  • 8 Track Tape Player

    Listen to music on 8-Track tapes. Can switch between tracks, but cannot reverse the tape. You must listen to the entire track before it can play a song again.
  • Cassette Tape Player

    Now you can rewind and fast forward to hear what you want on the tape.
  • Computer Class

    Computer class offered at my school but all they really do is learn how to make banners.
  • VHS Tape Player

    Watch movies at home! Must rent the VHS machine in order to watch VHS movies.
  • VHS Movies

    Watch movies at home!!!
  • Dot Matrix Printer

  • Compact Discs

    Listen to music on CDs!
  • Compact Disc Player