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Taking Rights= Dividing the Country

  • The Division of Slavery Pt. 2

    which prohibited slavery in future Northern states, and allowed slavery in future Southern states.
  • The Division of Slavery

    The Division of Slavery
    In 1820, the North and the South created an agreement that allowed Missouri to be created and become the 24th state. When Missouri applied for admission as a slave state in 1819, the North had attempted to force emancipation upon them. This created many debates over the conditions under which Missouri would become a state. The debates ended in the compromise, which involved drawing a line through the U.S. which prohibited slavery
  • African-Americans Speak for Themselves

    In 1827, the first African-American owned and operated newspaper in the United States was published. It was called the "Freedom's Journal", and was published weekly until 1829. The newspaper provided information on current events, containing editorials discussing slavery, lynching, and other atrocities. Samuel Cornish*2 and John B. Russwurm edited the Freedom's Journal. Cornish resigned in September of 1827.
  • African-Americans Speak for Themselves Part 2

    The front page of the paper declared, "We wish to plead our own cause. Too long have others spoken for us." This communicated the fact that this was truly a paper created by African-Americans, for African-Americans. 2: Samuel E. Cornish was a free black man, born in 1795 in Delaware. Cornish resigned from the newspaper, but continued to be a voice for African-Americans. He went on to work with the New York African Free Scho
  • (1)First strike that divide the country

    The Tariff of Abominations was one of the Nation’s highest tariffs of the time period. It taxed all imported goods that were needed for manufacturing to try to protect American goods. Many southern businesses ended up having to pay much more to make their products which ultimately ruined their sales.
  • (3)The first strike that divided the country

    This event started to divide the country and make many southern states anger at the government because they were trying to protect themselves and the other businesses in the northern half of the country
    (1)South Carolina Exposition and Protest: Also known as Calhoun’s Exposition. The Vice President, John Calhoun wrote it in 1828. It protested the Tariff of Abomination and stated that if the tariff was not repealed that South Carolina would secede.
  • (4)The first strike that divided the country

    Additional Info
    Also South Carolina Senator Robert Hayne told Jackson “95% of the South Carolinians believed ‘that the protective tariff would ruin the South and destroy the Union’”
  • (2)The first strike that divided the country

    The Tariff was also deemed unconstitutional by the South Carolina Exposition and Protest(1) “The Act of Congress of the last session, with the whole system of legislation imposing duties on imports, not for revenue, but for the protection of one branch of industry, at the expense of others, is unconstitutional, unequal and oppressive; calculated to corrupt the public morals, and to destroy the liberty of the country."
  • (2)the pre-war that ignited distrust between south and north

    America eventually would win the war and gain a lot of land in the western part of North America. This new land would lead to the dispute of if the new states would be free or slave states. California was both above and below the 36’30’ line and when they were admitted as a free state many of the southern state were furious again because they believed that the government went against the Missouri compromise.
  • the pre-war that ignited distrust between south and north

    the pre-war that ignited distrust between south and north
    After the invention of the Cotton Gin many people in the U.S wanted to expand westward so that they could get more land for farming. Mexico struggled to maintain all of the land that they had and U.S citizens were going into their land to farm. Mexico had already lost land to the Republic of Texas. In 1846 after the American citizens kept going into Mexican land the Mexican-American War official started.
  • The Creation of California

    The Creation of California
    The Compromise of 1850 consisted of five laws dealing with slavery passed in September of 1850. Senator Henry Clay introduced the Compromise in order to avoid an imbalance between slave and free states when California requested to enter the Union as a free state. The compromise resulted in the creation of a territorial government in the territory of Utah. An act was also passed settling a boundary dispute between Teas and New Mexico, establishing a territorial government in New Mexico.
  • Recapturing all escaped slaves

    Recapturing all escaped slaves
    The fugitive slave laws were a part of the Compromise of 1850. This declared that all runaway slaves that would be captured would be returned to their master. It didn’t matter if the slave was in a free state where slavery could not exist, were a free citien, or if they had a family. If the slave was captured, the national government took over and made sure that they would be sent back to the south and put back into enslavement.
  • The First Vote for Slavery

    The First Vote for Slavery
    The Kansas-Nebraska Act was passed in 1854 by the US Congress. The Act allowed people within the territories of Kansas and Nebraska to choose for themselves if they would allow slavery. The Act repealed the Missouri Compromise of 1820, which had prohibited slavery north of the latitude 36’30’. An election was held in Kansas after the law went into effect. Anti-slavery settlers charged pro-slavery settlers with fraud, and they did not accept the results of the election.
  • The First Vote for Slavery Part 2

    The anti-slavery settlers held another election, in which the pro-slavery settlers refused to vote. Violence soon erupted, earning the territory the nickname “bleeding Kansas”.
  • South Carolina Escapes and Takes a Lead

    The government went against the states right and tried to contorl which states would be slave or free. This angered the South and after telling the government about this nothing changed. South Carolina had to get out while they could and lead the way for other states to join them.
  • South Carolina Escapes and Takes a Lead

    South Carolina Escapes and Takes a Lead
    After the government kept taking away the southern rights by violating the Constitution South Carolina had to escape. The government heavily favored themselves in the North with acts like the Tariff of Abominations and taking powers away from the States. Also the constitution states that powers not reserved for the government in the constition belongs to the state. Since slavery was not yet mentioned the states believed it was their right to decided if slavery would be allowed or not.
  • Lincoln Attempts to Unite the Country Part 2

    Lincoln ended his speech saying, “We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break out bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory . . . will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature." These words were Lincoln's attempt at uniting the country.
  • Lincoln Attempts to Unite the Country

    On March 4, 1861, Abraham Lincoln took the stage to deliver his first inaugural address. Lincoln’s speech focused on showing his support for the North without alienating the South any further. He used four historic documents for inspiration: Daniel Webster’s 1830 reply to Robert Y. Hayne; President Andrew Jackson’s Nullification Proclamation of 1832; Henry Clay’s compromise speech of 1850; and the U.S. Constitution.
  • Fighting for State Rights

    Fighting for State Rights
    The Civil War began on April 12, 1861. It was the union (northern states) versus the confederate states (southern states). The confederate states seceded from the union due to a lack of power in the government. The confederate states were mad that they lost all of the power they had. After South Carolina seceded in 1860 many other states left and joined South Carolina to create the Confederate states. All of the states were angry at the government because of their lack to respect state rights.
  • Lincoln Imposes a Tax

    On August 5, 1861, Abraham Lincoln imposed the first federal income tax*2 on the United States by signing the Revenue Act. The tax imposed would be a 3 percent tax on annual incomes over $800. Lincoln had begun to take stock of the federal government’s ability to fight a war with the South as early as March of that same year.
  • Lincoln Creates a Tax Part 2

    The Revenue Act’s language was written in order to define income as a gain “derived from any kind of property, or from any professional trade, employment, or vocation carried on in the United States or elsewhere or from any source whatever.”
    2: The Revenue Act of 1861 was created in order to pay war expenses. The tax was repealed after ten years. Usuallly, the 16th Amendment, which was passed in 1909, is cited as the origin of income tax in the US, but the Revenue Act is the true origin.
  • Stealing the Farmers Slaves

    Abraham Lincoln issued the emancipation proclamation. The proclamation declared that all slaves in areas rebelling against the federal government would be freed. This event has been decaled ‘the most startling political crime in American history’ by the Richmond Examiner. Every one in the confederacy was livid that Lincoln thought he had the power to do this. An article from Issues and Controversies in American History says,
  • (3) Stealing the Farmers Slaves

    Also, the constitution did not state that Lincoln had the right to say that slavery could not exist.Abraham Lincoln was 16th president of the United States. His term started in 1861. Many southern state were afraid that if he did get elected that we would favor the northern states and try to abolish slavery. Before he was elected many state such as South Carolina seceded from the Union so that they could protect slavery and their rights. Lincoln was also the first Republican president
  • (2) Stealing the Farmers Slaves

    “Slavery fell under the category of states' rights and, as such, was protected by the 10th Amendment to the Constitution, they asserted. But inasmuch as the Confederate slave states had lawfully seceded from the Union, they insisted, the U.S. government had absolutely no say in any matter regarding the South” The Confederate States were no longer a part of the union. Therefore, they believed that Lincoln had no right to tell them what to do.