Manifest destiny 1

APUSH Period 5

  • Henry Highland Garnet's "Address to the Slaves of the United States of America"

    Henry Highland Garnet's "Address to the Slaves of the United States of America"
    He encouraged the idea of rebellion of slaves to seek for their own freedom.
  • William Lloyd Garrison Published "The Liberator"

    William Lloyd Garrison Published "The Liberator"
    It was a huge and successful campaign to fight against slavery.
  • Nat Turner Slave Revolt

    Nat Turner Slave Revolt
    The revolt rebelled against bondage and repressed slave holding states. Slavery was thought to be unsustainable.
  • American Anti-Slavery Society Begins

    American Anti-Slavery Society Begins
    Created by William Lloyd Garrison and Arthur Tappen. It was an abolitionist society.
  • Sarah Grimke's Letters on the Equality of the Sexes and the "Condition of Women" published

    Sarah Grimke's Letters on the Equality of the Sexes and the "Condition of Women" published
    It was a respond form Grimke to Catherine Beecher's view on women role compared to men. One of points she stated was women were inferior to men by God's order.
  • Women's Rights Convention at Seneca Falls

    Women's Rights Convention at Seneca Falls
    Women met up and discussed the social, civil, and religious aspects for women. They emphasized their rights the most which started the women suffrage movement.
  • Harriet Tubman's Escape from Slavery

    Harriet Tubman's Escape from Slavery
    An escape route for slaves escaping from the South helped by Northerners along the way against the Fugitive Slave Act. Slaves wanted to reach places such as Canada or North in general.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    With the Fugitive Slave Law amended, the North was able to gain California as a free state. Texas was compensated in debt for $10 million. Slave trade in Washington DC ended.
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    Fugitive Slave Act
    A feud between the slave hungry South and abolitionist North as part of the Compromise of 1850. It was made to return runaway slaves.
  • Creation of the Radical Republicans

    Creation of the Radical Republicans
    It was composed of former Whigs, charitable Northerners, and politicians.
  • Sojourner Truth Delivered her "Ain't I a Woman " Speech

    Sojourner Truth Delivered her "Ain't I a Woman " Speech
    It was speech to speak up about abolitionists and women's movements and the rights that African Americans and women deserve. It was delivered in the time of the Civil War.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas
    The North and South fought over Kansas. The North did not want slavery there, while the South wanted slaves. Proposed that Kansas should be under the popular sovereignty doctrine.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    The act was meant to repeal the Missouri Compromise of 1820. The territories of north of 36°30´ would prohibited slaves. The people in Kansas or Nebraska can consider to be a slave or a free state.
  • Republican Party Founded

    Republican Party Founded
    Anti-slavery Whigs were main contributors to this group. The most significant meeting was hosted in Wisconsin.
  • Harriet Beecher Stowe Published Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Harriet Beecher Stowe Published Uncle Tom's Cabin
    It was a regard to the concern of family splitting. It was especially addressed to the African American families as they were broken up to be slaves in different areas. An antislavery piece that was read by many people.
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott Decision
    It took place in the Supreme Court. Declared that freed slaves resided in the North would not have their freedom recognized; the African Americans were not considered citizens; territories north of 36°30′ would be unconstitutional.
  • Panic of 1857

    Panic of 1857
    It affected the worldwide economy as well as domestic economy. There was a decline and a financial crisis.
  • Lecompton Constitution

    Lecompton Constitution
    It protects the idea of slave holding and excludes free blacks. It advocates for slavery in Kansas, but Kansas rejected it.
  • Lincoln-Douglas Debates

    Lincoln-Douglas Debates
    They debated about slavery extension that involved many of the prior documents and compromise such as the Compromise of 1850, Kansas-Nebraska Act, the Dred Scott case, and the Missouri Compromise of 1820. Douglas advocates for popular sovereignty that the settlers should settle on slavery in the territory with no interference from the government.
  • John Brown's Raid on Harper's Ferry

    John Brown's Raid on Harper's Ferry
    It was a raid of abolitionists in West Virginia to claim independent holdings of freed slaves. It was one of the significant starts to the Civil War regarding slavery.
  • Democratic Party Splits into Northern and Southern Halves

    Democratic Party Splits into Northern and Southern Halves
    The North and South fought about the idea of slavery. The North doesn't want slavery to expand to the West while the South thought that slave owners can take their slaves anywhere. Another issue was that states should be making decisions without the government stepping in. It involved political balance and sectional debate.
  • South Carolina Secedes from the Union

    South Carolina Secedes from the Union
    Met in Charleston to discuss secession of South Carolina. South Carolina became the first state to secede from the United States.
  • Abraham Lincoln Elected President

    Abraham Lincoln Elected President
    He ran against John C. Breckinridge, Stephen A. Douglas, and John Bell. They were from different parties including Southern Democrat and Constitutional Union.
  • Confederate States of America Founded

    Confederate States of America Founded
    From the Deep South these states have seceded including Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, and Texas later joined by Arkansas, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia.
  • Firing on Fort Sumter

    Firing on Fort Sumter
    The Confederacy bombed and attacked the Fort Sumter. The United States ended with a surrender and that started the Civil War. There was tension between the Union and the Confederacy.
  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam
    It stopped the advancement of the Confederate to Maryland to gain military supplies. Engaged the Civil War.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    The Southern was majorly defeated. Prior, Robert E. Lee invaded North in hope to limit enemy and influence interaction with European countries. When he invaded he learned that the new commander of the Union was General George G. Meade, but he quickly traced Lee's route and hold onto Gettysburg as it might play well strategically.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    It was meant to free slaves in the Confederate as a rebellion of the Union. He wanted revolted states to return allegiance or else slaves would be freed.
  • Gettysburg Address

    Gettysburg Address
    Speech made by Abraham Lincoln as he addressed the idea of equality in humans, hope to create freedom, preservation of the Union, and self-government.
  • General U.S. Grant Assumed Command of Union Troops

    General U.S. Grant Assumed Command of Union Troops
    Lincoln promoted Grant to become the Lieutenant general for the U.S. Army, leading Union troops to fight against the attacks from the Confederate.
  • Sherman’s March to the Sea

    Sherman’s March to the Sea
    Union General William T. Sherman led troops from Atlanta to Savannah, Georgia. It was to scare off the the civilians of Georgia to renounce the Confederate.
  • Abraham Lincoln Reelected

    Abraham Lincoln Reelected
    People were not very fond of McClellan of the Democratic Party; therefore, he was reelected.
  • Congress Passed the 13th Amendment

    Congress Passed the 13th Amendment
    It was meant to abolish slavery and put an end to involuntary servitude. There was an exception of punishment for crimes.
  • Lee Surrendered to Grant at Appomattox Court House

    Lee Surrendered to Grant at Appomattox Court House
    It was the result of the Battle of Appomattox Court
  • Andrew Johnson Became President

    Andrew Johnson Became President
    He took office after the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. He was known for his Reconstruction policies in the South.
  • Johnson Announced Plans for Presidential Reconstruction

    Johnson Announced Plans for Presidential Reconstruction
    Gave South choice to change from slave to freedom. The blacks still insignificant in politics
  • Arrival of Scalawags and Carpetbaggers in the South

    Arrival of Scalawags and Carpetbaggers in the South
    During the Reconstruction, Carpetbaggers were Northerners moving to the South to gain financially and politically. Scalawags are those collaborated through politics with black freedman and and newcomers of the North.
  • Period of “Redemption” after the Civil War

    Period of “Redemption” after the Civil War
    It was called the Reconstruction era. The nation tried to clear off any leftovers of the Confederate such as states, leaders, and freedmen.
  • Freedman’s Bureau Established

    Freedman’s Bureau Established
    Freedman and Abandoned Land created a Congress that aid newly freed slaves to freedom.
  • Lincoln Assassination

    Lincoln Assassination
    John Wilkes Booth, a member of the Confederacy, shot him.
  • Civil Rights Act Passed over Johnson’s Veto

    Civil Rights Act Passed over Johnson’s Veto
    He proposed to protect freed slaves after the Civil War. Congress veto it.
  • First Congressional Reconstruction Act passed

    First Congressional Reconstruction Act passed
    Radical Republicans write bills that outlined the idea of South readmitted to Union.
  • 14th Amendment Ratified

    14th Amendment Ratified
    It allows citizenship to "all persons born in the United States" including former slaves.
  • Andrew Johnson Impeached

    Andrew Johnson Impeached
    He committed a misdemeanor crime;therefore, the House of Representatives voted to impeach him.
  • U.S. Grant Elected President

    U.S. Grant Elected President
    It was the first election during the Reconstruction Era where he defeated Horatio Seymour on the Democratic side.
  • 15th Amendment Ratified

    15th Amendment Ratified
    African men had the right to vote.
  • Ku Klux Klan formed

    Ku Klux Klan formed
    A group formed by white supremacists after the Civil War
  • Slaughterhouse Cases (Supreme Court)

    Slaughterhouse Cases (Supreme Court)
    It was the first time the Supreme Court based off of the 14th Amendment that gives limited protection and rights.
  • U.S. v. Cruikshank

    U.S. v. Cruikshank
    A group of white men attacked hundreds of African Americans.The U.S Supreme Court sided with the defendants saying that whatever they have violated would not be counted.
  • Compromise of 1877

    Compromise of 1877
    An informal settlement between the conflict of presidential election.It ended the Reconstruction Era as the federal government removed the troop out of South.