
  • Red Cross

    Switzerland organizes the Red Cross units during WWI
  • Treaty Of Versailles

    The treaty reaffirms Swiss neutrality
  • Declaration of Neutrality

    Federal council announces the Declaration of Neutrality
  • Voting Rights

    Women are granted the right to vote
  • SVP

    The right-wing Swiss People's Party (SVP) becomes the biggest force in parliament after winning almost 28% of the vote in general elections.
  • Vote

    Swiss voters approve referendum initiative on automatically deporting foreigners who have committed serious crimes.
  • Gun Control

    Voters in a referendum reject plans for tighter gun controls.
  • Nuclear Power

    In the wake of the crisis at Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant, Switzerland becomes the first country in Europe to announce plans to phase out nuclear power.
  • Military Conscription

    Voters reject a proposal to scrap military conscription.
  • Swiss National Bank

    The Swiss National Bank responds to the steep depreciation of the euro during 2014 by abruptly terminating the pegging of the franc to the euro introduced in 2011. The move causes the franc to soar and prompts warnings of serious damage to Switzerland's struggling tourism and export sectors.