Susan b anthony

Susan B Anthony

By Lyd8
  • Susan B Anthony's Birth

    Susan B Anthony's Birth
    Susan B Anthony was born on February 15, 1820 in Adams, Massachusetts
  • Period: to

    Susan B Anthony 1820-1906 Lydia

    Susan B Anthony grew up as a Quaker which is a religious society of people founded by George Fox. lived her life fighting for women suffrage which means the right to vote in political events. she was attacked by mobs which are a group of people who are usually protesting against something or someone, but that didn't stop her fight. She never lived to see the freedom she fought for, but was able to see much breakthrough in her life.
  • Cause & Effect one

    Cause & Effect one
    Susan B Anthony at a young age wanted to learn long division like the boys were doing, but the teacher refused because Susan was a girl. Partially because of this Susan became interested in women rights which changed her life forever
  • Susan's first attended women's convention

    Susan's first attended women's convention
    It was located in Seneca Falls
  • world event

    world event
    Abraham Lincoln becomes president
  • Inference of Susan's life

    Inference of Susan's life
    Because Susan was attacked by mobs and arrested a few time Susan became even more brave and willing to fight harder
  • Emancipation proclamation frees slaves

    Emancipation proclamation frees slaves
    The Emancipation proclamation frees slaves issued by president Lincoln 1863
  • Women have the right to owning property

    Women have the right to owning property
    The New York legislature passes an act giving women the right to own property
  • Cause & Effect two

    Cause & Effect two
    Because of Susan's passionate heart to women right and her brave heart Susan was able to see much breakthrough in her life and changed our world today
  • Elizabeth Stanton dies

    Elizabeth Stanton dies
    Elizabeth Stanton was Susan B Anthony's closest friend who supported her fighting in women rights and was with her all the way along
  • Susan B Anthony dies

    Susan B Anthony dies
    Susan B Anthony fought for women rights until she died. Although she never got to see freedom she did see a lot of breakthrough in her life.
  • Modern day connection

    Modern day connection
    Because of what Susan B Anthony fought for today women have the right to vote today!