Supranational Orginization and Devolution BECKELIC

  • United States Independence

    United States Independence
    (Devolution)The United States was part of the British Empire. but due to economic reason, in 1776 the official separated them. The reason for seperating them was so they could be trading partners. Because the seperation, the united states was created.
  • Triple Alliance

    Triple Alliance
    (Supranationalism Political / Military), Austria, Hungary, and Italy agreed to protect eachother, if they were attacked by either France or Russia. They reagreed to this every five years. The formation of the Triple Entente Meeting in 1907 for Britain, France and Russia, reinforced the need for the alliance.
  • Central Powers

    Central Powers
    (Supranational) Political/Military Countries: Austria-Hungary, Germany, Ottoman Empire Purpose was to fight against the Triple Entente in WWI. This resulted with the spread of all of these empires.
  • League of Nations

    League of Nations
    (Supernational)The League of Nations was organization founded as a result of the Treaty of Versailles in 1919–1920. The League of Nation's goals pertained of disarmament, preventing war by collective security, settling arguments between countries, diplomacy and the quality of life.
  • Israel/Palestine

    (Devolution)Jews migrated to palestine in 1948 because of cultural reasons. These reasons caused fights among the groups and, because of this the state os Israel was created. Around 40% of the worlds population of jews lives in Israel.
  • PLO

    (supranational) Cultural/Political/Military Countries: It was the representation of the Palestinians. The Palestinians did not have a homeland therefore the PLO was formed to get back the land Israel had taken from them.

    (supranational) (Economic) NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) Aimed to create free trade among North America's. Specifically between Canada, United States, and Mexico. The made trade free between them because they wanted to eliminate tax or on imports or exports.
  • Yugoslavia

    (Devolution) Yugoslavia broke up because of cultural reasons. One reason was racial and religious violence. These violent acts where going to spread into the region of Kosovo. Another reason was that Slovenia and Croatia wanted more independance, but at the same time Serbia wanted to unite and become the power source in Yugoslavia. The countries that were created were Montenegro, Slovenia, and Serbia.
  • Nigeria

    (Devolution)The muslims in North Nigeria rule over the entire country. The South majority is made up of Christians who have wanted to become their own country dur to religious beliefs. There have been several wars but eventualy the Nigerian leader decided to stop the blood shed and allow south nigeria to split into their own country.
  • Germany after WWII

    Germany after WWII
    (Devolution) Germany was put back together because of political reasons. Germany had a wall splitting the West and the East sides called the Berlin Wall. The wall was eventually broken down by the people to put an end to the communist side of Germany(western). The country that was created was unified Germany.