Summative Assignment

  • Fugitive Slave Act

    Southeners demanded a stronger fugitive slavelaw to replace the act of 1793 which was ignored by most northerners.
  • Cottin Gin Patented

    Eli Whitney invention, increase cultivation of cotton, which increased the need for slaves and creted a huge deand for cotton- Cotton Kingdom. Cottonocracy as well.
  • Gabriels Insurrection

    Slaves attempted to run away or rebel but ended in blood and wasnt successful. The southeners soon beleieved they were surrounded by rebellious blacks inflamed by abolitionist propaganda (in this case the rebellion never took place-- they were taken captive and hung)
  • American Colonization Society

    Focused on transporting blacks back to Africa during te early 1800's and 1820's. Liberia was also created as a nation of former slaves. Appealed to Abraham Lincoln.
  • Treaty of 1818

    4 countries had claim on Oregon Territory and two gave up, leaving the U.S. and Great Britian. Both had valid reasons for claim, so the Treaty of 1818 negotiated joint occupation of the territory.
  • Missouri Compromise

    It prohibited slavery in the Louisiana Territory north of the parallel 36°30′ north except within the boundaries of Missouri.
  • Second Great Awakening

    Blacks in slavery molded their own distinctive religious forms from a mixture of Cristian and African elements.
  • Liberia Created

    American Colonization Society established Liberia as a place for former slaves. They were sending them to Africa, but now to Liberia. This appealed to abolitionists including Abraham Lincoln
  • Vesey Revolt

    Denmark Vesey, attempt to run away/rebel but unsuccessful.
  • Turner Revolt

    Attempt to run away/rebel but it ended bloody and never successful. The south now imagined they were surrounded by rebellious blacks inflamed by abolitionist propaganda.
  • Nullification Crisis

    Made the white southern fears worse and resulting in lynchings, whippings, and jailings of anyone who tried to discuss the end of slavery. Tariff of 1832, South Carolina was unhappy
  • American Anti-Slavery Society

    The Liberator pushed the abolitionist movement, and the American Anti-Slavery Society was founded. Wendell Phillips.
  • Texas Independence

    Texas won their independence from Mexico during the revolution.
  • Gag Resolution

    Southerners pushed the Gag Resolution in the House of Representatives that prevented any anti-slavery petitions from being read in the Congress (First Amendment right to petition was threatened and repelead: John Q. Adams)
  • Panic of 1837

    Financial crisis in America, states defaulted on loans to the British
  • Aroostook War

    Ugly fights between American and Canadian lumberjacks in the area threatened to break out into full-scale war
  • Mexican American War

    America vs. Mexico, Polk provoked the war to make sure the U.S. gained California, and the people thought it was the fault of the Mexicans.
  • Webster Ashburn Treaty

    Britian wanted to build a road through disputed territory in Maine, so Britian sent Lord Ashburton to Washington to meet with Secretary of State Daniel Webster to discuss the issue-- a compromise was reached to where the U.S. got more of the territory while Britian got the area they needed.
  • Election of 1844

    Texas was a big issue in the election. James Polk who favored expansion, defeated the anti expansion Whig Henry Clay and President Tyler saw the democratic victory as a mandate to aquire/annex texas.
  • Know Nothing Party Created

    Nativists formed the Know-Nothing Party with the motto "Americans must rule America", and Millard Fillmore was nominated.
  • Texas Annexation

    President Tyler annexed Texas by joint resolution- which required a majority vote in each house of Congress. Mexico claimed that the U.S. had "stolen" their territory.
  • Oregon Treaty

  • Wilmot Proviso

    Led to Civil War and would have banned slavery in any territory to be acquired from Mexico in the Mexican War
  • Popular Sovereignty 1st proposed

    By vice president George Dallas and was favored by pro slavery Southerners
  • Free Soil Party

    opposing the expansion of slavery into the western territories
  • Gold Discovery in California

    Lots of people traveled to California in hopes of finding gold, and most did not find it.
  • Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo

    Treaty that ended the Mexican American War in 1848, and gave the US California
  • Election of 1848

    Won by Zach Taylor
  • Compromise of 1850

    California admitted as a free state, slave trade ended in Washington DC. New mexico and Utah territories with no restrictions on slavery, Texas given 10 million for disputed New mexico territory, and new fugitive slave law passed.
  • Fugitive Slave Act

  • Uncle Tom's Cabin published

    Anti slavery novel written by Harriet Beecher Stowe, to awaken the north to the wickedness of slavery by laying bare its terrible inhumanity. Her hatred rooted from the Second Great Awakening.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

  • Election of 1852

  • Gadsen Purchase

  • "Bleeding Kansas"

    The violence in Kansas overflowed into Congress when Congressman Preston Brooks of South Carolina took vengeance against Senator Charles Sumner for an insult against both South Carolina and Brooks uncle by beating Sumner with a cane on the floor of the Senate
  • Republican Party created

    Abraham Lincoln was a republican, founded by antislavery activists
  • Ostend Manifesto

    American foreign ministers drew up a secret document that urged the administration to fofer SPain 120 million for cuba and if spain refused, the US should go to war to seize it. Word of Manifesto leaked and plan was backed off
  • Brooks Sumner caning

    Brooks took vengeance against Sumner and beat him with a cane to the floor in the Senate
  • Pottawatomie Creek Massacre

    John brown and other abolitionist settlers killed 5 settlers Pottawatomie Creek--apart of preceeding to Civil War
  • Election of 1856

    Democrats chose James Buchanan and republicans chose john c fremont. Nativists chose Millard Fillmore
  • Panic of 1857

    Caused by the declining international economy and the over expansion of the domestic economy
  • Dred Scott vs. Sanford Supreme Court Decision

    Opening paper-gun blasts of Civil War. Supreme Court ruled that Dred Scott (sued for freedom), was a black slave and not a citizen of the US. They also decree that since a slave was private property, he could be taken into any state or territory and be held there legally. Southerners delighted, Northerners horrfied.
  • Lincoln Douglas Debate

    Douglas won the election but lincoln gained popularity and support. Douglas kept losing support, and slpit the party of southern democrats. Costing him the presidency in 1860, lincoln douglas debates was a preliminary battlefield of the Civil War.
  • Harpers Ferry Raid

  • Election of 1860

    Issue of peace of civil war. Stephen douglas was nominated by northern democrats and the southern democrats nominated john c breckinridge. John Bell was nominated by the middle group
  • Crittenden Camp

    Established to protect settlers near the Apache
  • Secession of SC

    First southern state to decalre secession.
  • Lawrence Kansas Attack

    During Civil War against an abolitionist town.