Strategic Technology Planning Timeline

By mhassib
  • Project Vision Plan Due.

    Need to talk to my stakeholders and go over the Project vision, as related to the scope of the project, and the long-term implications of this project to the English Department
  • Period: to

    Mini-Assignment Due Dates and tasks

  • Evaluation Matrix

    Have evaluaion methods that are both formative and summative, need to make sure that each phase of the project is evaluated, to prevent from having to redue everything at the end of the project.
  • Analysis Instruments Due

    Use certain Anaysis models such as SWOT to look inside and outside the organzation.
  • Tech vision Due

    Create a Vision of the technology that will be incorporated into the department, that will help reach the desired outcomes of the project.
  • Identifying true needs due

    Complete needs analysis with the participation of the target groups involved, compare the needs that my stakeholder's inluding myself deem important. Will be comparing each of my target groups, and their levels need as well. Looking at core values of in the group, politcial factors (univeristy beuracracy).
  • Gathering/Prioritizing Needs Due

    Meeting with all stakeholders, and focusing on all needs that are crucial to the project, excluding those that are not a necessity.
  • Proposing Solutions Due

    Based on the needs assestment and what is prioroty, a lsit of solutions will need to be written up that will resolve some of the problem areas witness by myself and my stakeholders.
  • Needs Assestment Due

    Apply the varying phases of the Need Assesment, adressing a detailed account of needs within the system in realtation to meeting the final goal of the project.
  • Evaluation Methods/Evaluation Timeline

    Plan for acountability, make sure the needs assesment will meet te stated goals. Allowing for plan modificaiton if needed, throughout the project evaluation will need to present to check make sure the tasks/technoolgy is alligned with the needs of my target group.
  • Plan Management Due

    The flow of work, and who will do what and when. This breakdown the responsibilites of each individual invloved in the project. Though I am the project leader, I will be needing the back up of my stakeholders to make sure that the project is fully implemented.
  • Action Plan Due

    Write about the details of exactly what will be done, every action will need to be reflect the project goals/final outcomes.
    The Alignment model may be of use here
  • Evaluation Plan Due

    Final document listing the details of evaluation each phase of the project.
  • Project Due

    Startegic Planning Project document needs to be completed.