
Spread of Christianity

  • 100

    First Christians reported in Monaco, Sri Lanka and Algeria

  • Mar 1, 1294

    Francisian Missionary, Giovanni of Monte Corvine

    He built many churches in China because of the stability of religion which was accepted by the Mongolian Emperor.
    He was one of the many religious men who had help covert many to Christianity.
  • Apr 21, 1368

    Expulsion of Christians from China

    Many people had coverted to Islam and Christians were expelled from the country.
  • Apr 24, 1533

    First Christian missionaries arrive in Tonkin, Vietnam

  • Apr 21, 1549

    Christianity for Japan

    First contact for Japan and chrisitianity.
  • Apr 23, 1549

    Francis Xavier arrives

    Francis Xavier arrives
    He is the one who had introduced Christianity to Japan, but unfortunately, because of this there were two more religions that were introduced as Buddhism and Shintoism. Due to the introduction of these new religions many lords had tried to covert their subject.
  • The banning of christianity in Japan

    This religion was ban from Japan because rival groups kept killing many groups of people and The religion was meant to "soften" up the country so that Europe could conquer.
  • Christianity ban

    The death penalty was given to those who had practice this religion.
  • Cathedrals

    One of the many ways religion is spread by monks or priests and their preachings and building cathedrals and churches.
  • The end to Isolation

    The end to Isolation
    Japan was forced to sign an agreement to end their isolation and then more missionaries were built in Japan.
  • Return of Christianity to Japan

    There was finally a release for freedom and the number of people practicing Christianity began to increase again.
  • New Chapter For Christianity in China

    Millions of the Chinese have become Christians since the rule of an emperor against it.
  • Ban in China

    There was a cultural ban on Christianity in China because of Revolution, this was done by Mao Zedong.
  • Free Religion

    The spread of Christainty happened rapidly after the Cultural Revolution.
  • Amount of Christians in China

    There was a record of 33 million Chinese Christians.
  • The greatest amount of Chirstians in Asia as of 2010

    The Phillipines has over 86 million people who practice Christianity.
  • The nation with most Christians

    One Sunday mass there was over 5,000 people in attendance at Liushi church in China.
  • Earliest known record in China

    Earliest known record in China
    This was found out under accidently discovered ruins with inscriptions of when the religion was introduced to China.
  • Zealous Taoist Emperor Bans foreign religions

    Zealous Taoist Emperor Bans foreign religions
    The emperor bans all religions except Taoism. He was very zealous of his own religion that he did not want anyone else under his power to practice anything else.
  • Closing of Christian travel route

    Closing of Christian travel route
    The route for Christians to travel on were shut down by Muslims.
    The Silk road was under the control of the Muslims.. That was main route of Christians and that was one of many was that Christianity was spread throughout Asia.