Us joining the world war ii in 1941

The United States and WW2

  • The Four Power Pact

    The United States, Britain, Japan and France signed a treaty to respect each others interest in the Pacific, as well as opening communication in any event of controversy. This pact significantly improved the relationship between the United States and Japan in terms of trade.
    While it did outline the division of territory in the Pacific between the powers, the agreements were too vaguely worded to have any binding effect.
  • The Nine Power Pact Treaty

    Signed with the five powers, plus the Netherlands, Portugal, Belgium and China. The treaty ensured the sovereignty and territorial integrity of China, and encouraged an 'open door policy' for trade with China.
    However, it did not secure complete withdrawal of foreign powers of China, therefore leaving them quite vulnerable to Japanese invasion.
  • The Five Power Naval Limitation Treaty

    This treaty was signed between the United States, Great Britain, Japan, France and Italy to limit the number of large battleships each country possessed.The respective ratios of capital ships to be held by each of the members was fixed at 5 each for the United States and Great Britain, 3 for Japan, and 1.67 each for France and Italy. It halted the post-World War I race in building warships and even reversed the trend, scrapping warships that were either already built or under construction.
  • Kellogg-Briand Pact

    The brainchild of Aristide Briand and Frank B. Kellogg, this treaty gained the support of nearly all the nations of the world. The pact outlawed the use of war as a way of settling disagreements, the most grandiose gesture of peacemaking after WW1.
    But, countries still had the right to fight a defensive war if they were attacked by an aggressor country, ultimately deeming the treaty ineffective.
  • Japan invades Manchuria, China

    Japan invades China, who receives no help from the United States (regardless of their involvement in the Nine Powers Pact). The League of Nations suggests economic boycott from Japan, but the U.S. is unwilling to participate.
  • Stimson Doctrine

    Following the Japanese invasion of Manchuria, U.S. Secretary of State Henry Stimson sent a note to Japan and China warning that there would be a non-recognition of international territorial changes that were executed by force. In addition, the 'open door policy' would need to be maintained. The Japanese, however, were not dissuaded by non-recognition and continued their aggression, confident that the U.S. would not take stronger action because of the strength of isolationist feeling there there.
  • Japan leaves the League of Nations

    Japan rejects the suggestions of the Stimson Doctrine and withdraws from the League of Nations. Japan renames Manchuria as Manchukuo.
  • Germany leaves the League of Nations and Geneva Conference

  • Neutrality Act

    President Roosevelt and Congress sign Act to meet the demands of Americans pushing for neutrality. This act prohibited the sale of munitions to all countries involved in the war upon declaration their of war. It also barred ships and subs of fighting countries from using American ports to refuel or resupply. The Act also urgued American businesses to discontinue trade with fighting countries, but was ignored.
  • Second Neutrality Act (renewed)

    During the Spanish Civil War, American businesses decided they wanted to sell weapons to the Spanish government. In protest, President Roosevelt asked Congress to pass a law extending the embargo against the sale of weapons during civil war as well.
  • Third Neutrality Act

    The third renewal of the Neutrality Act added to the list of restrictions. Roosevelt declared American territorial waters off-limits for ships of nations at war, and that trade of war goods with these countries be banned altogether. However, trade of non-war goods could still take place following a "cash and carry method" (pay cash for goods and carry to and from on your own ships). This worked to Japan's favour since they had the money and ships to buy and carry American goods to Japan.
  • Quarantine Speech

    Roosevelt gave speech urging to isolate the aggressor countries in order to stop the spread of the war. "Innocent peoples, innocent nations, are being cruelly sacrificed to a greed for power and supremacy which is devoid of all sense of justice and humane considerations". The League of Nations suggested sanctations against Japan, but the American public, Congress, nor the powers of Europe were prepared to go against any aggressors as they might lead to war.
  • Germany annexes Austria

  • Monroe Doctrine is extended to Canada

    President Roosevelt informs Canada that the United States will not stand by idly if ever Canada was threatened by another country. Additionally, he sent messages to European leaders calling for a peaceful resolution to the Czechoslovakian crisis (Munich Conference); however, the U.S. would not take part in any European negotiations.
  • Munich Conference

    Germany is granted the Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia.
  • Germany annexes remainder of Czechoslovakia

  • Gallup Poll

    Demonstrated a significant shift in American public opinion regarding their role in the war effort. Many Americans now supported the idea of selling war materials to Britain and France in the case tthat hey become attacked by the Axis powers.
  • Germany invades Poland

  • Fourth Neutrality Act (renewed)

    Once again, Roosevelt called on Congress to repeal the arms embargo in the Act, but this time urged the American public to write to their congressmen to support the repeal. Support was won and the amendment was passed on November 4, 1939.
  • Selective Service Act

    Now the U.S. was beginning to prepare for war. This Act called for men to serve at least a year in the army anywhere in the Western hemisphere, but not in Europe or Asia. It also increased spending on the military by 500%. However, they still remained in a cautious position, reinforcing that that the U.S. would not declare war against aggressors unless the U.S. was directly attacked.
  • Creation of Tripartite Pact

    Signed between Germany, Italy and Japan to prevent the U.S. from joining the war in defense against Japanese aggression.
  • Japanese ships sent off to Pearl Harbour

  • Japanese army ordered to launch attack on Pearl Harbour

  • Japan attacks Pearl Harbour, U.S. declares war on Japan

  • Germany surrenders to the Allies

  • First atomic bomb test

    The first atomic test bomb created through the Manhattan project exploded at 5:30 am on July 16, 1945 at Alamogordo air base, just south of Albuquerque, New Mexico. This would signify the introduction of a whole new type of destruction that the world had never seen before.
  • Potsdam Declaration

    The Allied leaders send Japan a message - to surrender or face "prompt and utter destruction".
  • Atomic bomb is dropped on Hiroshima

  • Atomic bomb is dropped on Nagasaki

  • Japan surrenders to the Allies