J01   japanese national flag

Feudal/Imperial Japan (and World War w)

  • Period: May 30, 1185 to May 30, 1333

    Begining of Karmakura Period

    One of the first periods to be ruled by a Shogun.(the Emperor was a puppet like ruler at this time) This is an example of feudalism (Soldiers, or Samurais pledging their loyalty to a lord, or Diamyo)
  • Mar 23, 1192

    First Shogun

    -After many years of war going on, the current Emperor of this time period appoints a shogun.Like a hidden advisor, this shogun was almost the real ruler of the country (the Emperor was almost a figurehead). Yet, also similar to an oligarchy, the shogun didn’t rule alone. He would share his power along with lesser military leaders from different provinces.
  • Period: to

    Japan is Closed to Foreigners

    The Tokugawa Shogunate, expelled Christian missionaries and virtually closed the nations borders to foreigners. During this time, despite separation from the outside world, Japanese culture flourished. Merchants didn’t have foreign competition, and haikus became popular (along with other literary aspects)
  • Period: to

    Tokugawa Shogunate

    The Tokugawa Shogunate was where the heads of government were the shoguns, and each was a member of the Tokugawa clan. The Tokugawa shogunate ruled from Edo Castle; and the years of shogunate became known as the Edo period.
  • Decline of the Shogunate

    -In this time period, the Tokugawa Shogunate showed many symptoms of decline. The shogun fell into increasing debt, and made no moves to get out of it. Tension increased between the Samurai and the new wealthy merchant class. Samurai dedicated their life to selfless service, and any regards of money or their financial standings were considered shameful. Meanwhile...merchants grew more wealthy by the day (therefore, more powerful) than the supposedly “high class” Samurais.
    *aka-Samurais became po
  • The "Opening of Japan"

    -The “Opening of Japan,” occurred. Commodore Matthew C. Perry of the United States Navy forced the Tokugawa shogun to agree to treaties. (allowing international trade, and ending 250 years of cultural isolation)This diplomatic defeat was a sign that the shogun was positioned for a larger downfall in the future.
  • Restoration of Imperial Throne

    Emperor Meiji abolished the Kofuchu and proclaimed a restoration of the Imperial throne
    (it shows a change in a country’s government, and it ended nearly 700 years of shogunate rule over Japan.)
  • Japan's New Constitution

    -Japan’s New Constitution is created. It made the Emperor supreme, but it created a 2 house legislature, called the Diet, which later helped Japan to evolve a type of Democracy. (After 100s of years of isolation from Western culture, by the Tokugawa Shogunate, Meiji government aggressively pursued new ideas)
  • Japan Invaded Manchuria

  • Hitler takes Power in Government

    Hitler took power high up in government (made promises to return Germany to its “former glory”)
  • The Japanese Invaded China

    The Japanese invaded China (they didn’t stop fighting until 1945)
  • Nazis Invaded Poland

  • Fall of 1939 and Summer 0f 1940

    Germany was able to invade Poland, Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, and all of France (in about a 9 month period)
  • Japan Attacks Southeast Asia

    -Japan invaded Southeast Asia {Which made Australia and New Zealand very nervous}
  • Nazis Invaded Russia

    -Nazis invaded Russia in the Summer of 1941 (breaking a non aggression pact that the 2 powers had signed in 1939)
  • Pearl Harbor

    -Pearl Harbor was thought to scare the U.S. into staying neutral, but it did the exact opposite...it united us as a country
  • America Officially Enters World War 2

    President Roosevelt asked Congress to declare war on Japan on December 8, 1941 and it passed 82-0 in the Senate and 388-1 in the House. This was a result of the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Hawaii the day before by Japanese planes. The U.S. declared war on Germany and Italy on December 11 in response to declarations of war on America by Hitler and Mussolini.
  • End of 1944 (closing in on Nazis)

    Ally forces were advancing from the West, and the Russian Red Army was advancing from the East.
  • Americans & Canadians invade Normandy

    American + Canadians invasion of Normandy was the beginning of the end for the Nazis
  • Period: to

    Battle of the Bulge

    The Battle of the Bulge was a major German battle launched through Belgium, France and Luxembourg on the Western Front toward the end of World War II in Europe. The surprise attack caught the Allied forces completely off guard and became the costliest battle in terms of casualties for the U.S., who took most of the damage.
  • Benito Mussolini was Executed

    Benito Mussolini was an Italian politician, journalist and leader of the National Fascist Party, ruling from 1922 to his ousting in 1943
  • Hitler Committed Suicide

    Adolf Hitler committed suicide by gunshot in his Führerbunker in Berlin
  • Allies Declare Victory in Europe

    Allies declared victory in Europe after Germany surrendered unconditionally.
  • U.S. Drops Atomic/Nuclear Bombs

    The U.S. drops the only nuclear weapons ever deployed in war on Nagasaki, Japan. (they surrendered)