Asia japan (1)

Japanese Expansion Timeline

  • Meiji Restoration

    The creation of a new government of Japan after centuries of military government, in which Japan’s emperor had new powers and more modern systems of government. It was meant to protect Japan from foreign domination.
  • Japanese-Korea Treaty

    Japanese-Korea Treaty
    Japan forced Korea to sign this treaty as Korea had a weaker military. Japan wanted to open the Trans - Siberian Railroad to export manufactured goods.
    Citation for Picture: “Japan–Korea Treaty of 1876.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 12 Sept. 2018,
  • Coup d’état

    A coup de' état is an overthrow of a state's government by individuals within that state. Supporters of Japan briefly overthrew Korea’s government in this coup de' état.
  • Meiji Constitution

    Japan’s first constitution that was declared by the Meiji Emperor.
  • Treaty of Shimonoseki

    This treaty, among other items, allows for Japan to gain control of Korea, Manchester, and Taiwan and grants Korea full independence from China.
  • Boxer Rebellion

    An anti-foreign, anti-Christian revolt in China that was joined by government soldiers supported by the Qing Dynasty.
    “The Boxer Rebellion.” Lao Tzu,
  • Anglo-Japanese Alliance

    A military alliance with Japan and Great Britain where they agreed to aid each other if one was at war with two countries and remain neutral if one was at war with one country.
  • Education Shift

    Schooling was now required for six years. Eventually, Ministry of Education alters the curriculum to focus on loyalty to one’s family, state, and community as well, which leads to the development of ultranationalist viewpoints.
  • Treaty of Portsmouth

    A treaty negotiated by the USA that brought the Russo-Japanese War to a close. This treaty, among other things, required Russia and Japan to take troops out of Manchuria and give control back to China.
  • 21 Demands

    Rules that Japan insisted the Chinese follow, including allowing Japan to construct its own hospitals and schools in China and allowing Japanese advisors to work with Chinese officials on its policies.
  • Paris Peace Conference

    The League of Nations, an international organization that agreed to solve crises through diplomacy, not war, was formed.
  • Five-Power Treaty, Four-Power Treaty, and Nine-Power Treaty

    Five-Power Treaty: for every 5 capital ships the USA or Britain had, Japan could only have three. Four-Power Treaty: ended the Anglo-Japanese Alliance and called for nations to respect territories. Nine-Power Treaty: required Japan to move military from Shantung Peninsula.
  • Peace Protection Law

    The government could arrest anyone who wanted to change the governmental system, such as communists and socialists. It was amended in 1928 to allow for execution.
  • London Naval Treaty

    Japan was granted 69.75% of US and Britain fleet sizes. They wanted 70%, so an ultranationalist assassin shot the Japanese Prime Minister for agreeing to 69.75%.
  • Mukden Incident

    Mukden Incident
    A bomb exploded on the South Manchurian Railway outside Manchuria, Mukden. Japan blamed the explosion on Chinese troops.
    “Mukden Incident.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 1 Nov. 2018,
  • League of Blood Incident

    A coup d’état in Japan where radical nationalist civilians and young naval officers assassinated the leader of the zaibatsu and a former finance minister.
  • Tanggu Truce

    This truce is recognizing that Jehol and Manchuria were now under Japan’s control and promising not to fight to remove Japan from those areas and established a neutral zone between Japanese controlled territory and territory of Chinese government.
  • Japan Leaves League of Nations

    Japan withdrew from the League of Nations and suffered no consequences with departure.
  • Doihara Kenji-Qin Dechun Agreement

    Chinese agreed to remove all troops from Manchukuo border and Charar Province.
  • Twelve-Year Plan

    The plan that the military-controlled government of Japan adopted to modernize and expand the armed forces.
  • Marco Polo Bridge Incident

    Chiang Kai-Shek was looking for victory elsewhere, so on August 13 he had bomber aircraft attack an area of Shanghai that was controlled by Japan.
  • The Nanjing Massacre

    Prince Asaka (Hirohito’s uncle) was an ultranationalist who ordered execution of all Chinese captured during the Second Sino-Japanese War.
  • Beginning of Second Sino-Japanese War

    Beginning of Second Sino-Japanese War
    After Japan had invaded Manchuria, the Japanese armies continued to expand Japan's control of northern China. Larger war eventually erupts with millions of troops and deaths of civilians.
    Old Picz,
  • Nazi-Soviet Pact

    Germany and Soviet Union agreed that neither country would attack the other.
  • Tripartite Pact

    An alliance initially involving Germany, Italy, Japan. Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Bulgaria, and Independent Croatia.