Social Unit 2

By thun
  • 9000 BCE

    Ancient Greek Democracy

    Ancient Greek Democracy is the foundation of western government. The Ancient Greek Democracy created the belief that people are intelligent enough to make decisions that will improve society which greatly contributed to the development of classical liberalism.
  • 1215

    Magna Carta

    The Magna Carta was a document that declared that everyone is subject to the law including the King. This creating constitutional restrictions on the government promoting equality across the nation. Even though they were a monarchy, the document ensured the government abided by the rules and demanded accountability.
  • 1300

    Renaissance 1300-1500

    Renaissance meaning "re-birth" is the period of opportunity and expansion on Greek and Roman ideas which lead to the technological advancement of society. The Renaissance led to classical liberalism due to the people embrace of self-interest and the individuals ability to explore knowledge and advance themselves and society.
  • 1400

    Haudenosaunee Confederacy 1400 to 1776

    Haudenosaunee Confederacy was made up of six first nation groups who had a oral constitution. The democracy that was created between the six groups allowed equal participation between all citizens including woman, this led to the belief that individuals have the ability to make decisions that are best for themselves and society.
  • 1517

    Reformation 1517-1648

    Reformation was a period when many people questioned the teachings of the Catholic Church and switched to Protestant then began to read the bible for themselves. This led to the principle that an individual is intelligent enough to make decisions that will benefit themselves and have the freedom to believe in other ideas besides the beliefs of Catholic Church.
  • Industrial Revolution 1700-1800

    The Industrial Revolution was a period when technology became more advanced and more widely used. This developed classical liberalism by promoting a market economy and self-interest to improve society and gain more monetary wealth.
  • The Enlightenment

    The Enlightenment period was a time when people questioned elements of society in order to better the lives of the people and further understand the intricacies of society. This promoted individuals to better themselves and society creating the theme of self-interest due to the desire to learn and improve society for themselves.
  • American Revolution

    The American Revolution was an event that lead to the separation between the US and England. The US felt that they were being treated unfairly by the British and desired the ability to have control over their goods and trade. This lead to the aspect of self-interest specifically related to a market economy.
  • French Revolution

    The French Revolution was an uprising of the second and third estates to have equal rights and government representation. The French revolution was created on the foundation of self-interest and the desire for civil liberties through the upheaval of the oppressive monarchy.
  • Changes to the class system

    Changes to class system or the Proletarian revolution was movement where the working class attempted to over through the bourgeoisie. This promoted a spread of self-interest to ensure there is equality between classes and equal rights are granted to everyone despite their status.