1280px map thirteen colonies 1775 fr.svg

Social Studies 13 Colonies Timeline

By Mlesage
  • Jamestown

    the James town settlement is established
  • Period: to

    13 colonies

  • starving times

    starving times
    only 60 out of 500 settlers in Jamestown survive the winter of 1609- 1610. It is called the "starving times".
  • Hudson exploration

    Hudson exploration
    Henry Hudson explores the northeast coast and Hudson river.
  • John Rolfe marries pocahantas

    John Rolfe marries pocahantas
    Jamestown settler John Rolfe marries Pocahontas, the daughter of the Powhatan Indian chief
  • Netherland

    The Dutch colony of New Netherland is established.
  • slaves

    The first African slaves arrive in Jamestown.
  • Plymouth colony

    Plymouth colony
    Plymouth Colony is founded by the Pilgrims.
  • Dutch buys Manhattan

    Dutch buys Manhattan
    The Dutch purchase Manhattan Island from the local Native Americans.
  • royal character

    royal character
    A royal charter is issued for the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
  • Boston discovery

    Boston discovery
    Puritans found the city of Boston.