Slavery and the Underground Railroad Pd. 1

  • May 1, 1501

    Slaves first brought to America

    They were brought by ships from Africa.
  • Slaves are sold as property

    The slaves were owned for life. This was called Chattel slavery.
  • Fugitive Slave Act of 1793 passed

    This made it harder for slaves to escape on the Underground Railroad.
  • Sojourner Truth is born into slavery

    She can only speak Dutch, but she learns English along the way. She was born as Isabella.
  • Missouri Compromise happens

    This ruled which states would be free and which had slaves.
  • William Still is born

    William Still is born in Burlington, New Jersey.
  • Sojourner escapes w/ infant daughter

    She had to leave all her other children behind.
  • Frederick Douglass learns to read

    Douglass asked Sophia Auld if she would teach him how to read, and she does so until Hugh Auld stops her, saying educated slaves are rebellious.
  • Nat Turner gives a speech

    Turner gave a speech during his preaching to other slaves. He warned them that something was about to happen.
  • Liberator was formed

    This helped move the abolitionist movement get going.
  • Turner starts rebellion

    This day, Turner killed his owners and started a rebellion.
  • Turner and slaves go on rampage

    70-80 blacks accompanied Turner on a rampage from plantation to plantation.
  • Rampage ends

    Turner gets away, but most of the blacks were killed.
  • Turner is captured

    Turner is captured, trialed many times, and executed.
  • American Anti-Slavery Society organized

    This group was formed by Garrison, Arthur and Lewis Tappen.
  • Boston Female American Anti-Slavery Society formed

    This helped with the women's rights movement.
  • Douglass escapes from slavery

    Douglass borrowed papers from a free black sailor, escaping from slavery. He moved to New York, and he changed his last name to Johnson.
  • Northampton Association & Industry was founded

    This took until 1842. Truth moved to Northampton to live there.
  • Douglass speaks at an Anti-Slavery meeting

    Douglass is hired as a speaker soon after this.
  • Still moves to Philadelphia

    Still moves to Philly and becomes a coal miner.
  • Still gets employed and married

    Still is employed at an Anti-Slavery organization, then he marries Letitia Gorge.
  • Harriet Tubman escaped from slavery

  • Tubman starts rescuing slaves by Underground Railroad

  • Tubman makes second trip on Underground Railroad

    She made this trip with her brother.
  • "Ain't I a Woman?" speech was given by Truth

    Truth's famous speech was given at the Women's Rights Convention in Akron, Ohio.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin published

    This book was written by Harriet Beecher Stowe, and it sold over 300,000 copies in its first year.
  • Reward for Tubman's capture reaches $40,000

    She was wanted for helping fugitives escape, and she was a fugitive herself.
  • Douglass escapes arrest

    John Brown raids the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry, and a letter was found addressed to Brown from Douglass. Douglass was wanted for being Brown's accomplice. Douglass then fled to Canada to escape charges.
  • Tubman made 19th trip to South

    She had gone into slave country 19 times by this date, rescuing many slaves.
  • Douglass becomes a soldier

    Douglass's sons join him as soldiers.
  • Emancipation Proclomation

    Abraham Lincoln said that all slaves were free.
  • Still's book, The Underground Railroad is published

  • Truth went home to Battle Creek, Michigan

    She died on November 26.
  • Still dies

    Still dies in his home in Philly on July 14th