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Significant Language Development Milestones; Myself From Birth to Current

  • Age: 3 Months

    Age: 3 Months
    Responds to speaking partner vocally, but no real vocabulary.
  • Six Months: Baby Babble

    Six Months: Baby Babble
    "Speaks" out loud to no one in particular, mimics sounds and tones. Starts making important sounds like "B" and "W."
  • One Year

    One Year
    First words, recognizing the words that go to things.
  • 18 Months

    18 Months
    Combining words to form very short sentences, recognizes and tries to use rules with word order
  • Two Years Old

    Two Years Old
    Bound Morphemes Added, Longer sentences being formed
  • Four Years Old

    Four Years Old
    Talking style changes and varies in order to match person they are talking to. Questions are being formed and asked correctly.
  • Age 5

    Age 5
    90% Of Language Learned. Starting school and learning appropriate speaking interaction with others.
  • Second Grade (Around the Age of Eight)

    Second Grade (Around the Age of Eight)
    Understanding direction words, asks and answers "Wh" questions. Should be able to clarify and explain ideas and stay on topic.
  • Fourth Grade (About Ten Years Old)

    Fourth Grade (About Ten Years Old)
    Understands and uses figurative language.
  • Middle School

    Middle School
    Learns and Uses Metaphors, Starts Using Slang, and starts to pay more attention (and use) Body Language.
  • High School

    High School
    Ability to Reason, Chooses to use more slang and vernacular as opposed to educated vocabulary. Comprehension continues to grow.
  • Early to Mid Twenties (Currently 26)

    Early to Mid Twenties (Currently 26)
    Uses more educated based vocabulary, has two separate vocabulary for work and friends. Mature articulation and a very wide range of topics.