Short summary of Irish history

  • 432

    Saint Patrcik returned to Ireland

    Saint Patrcik returned to Ireland
    As 16-years of age Saint Patrcik was captued by raiders. He escaped at the age of 22 and then returned to Ireland some years later with a lifelong quest - turning the Irish to Christianity
  • May 13, 1152

    A new church

    in 1152 Gaelic and Danish elements helped to form a united Church. This reform, and others advocated by the Irish church were frowned on by some, including Pope Adrian IV, an Englishman. In 1155 he conferred on Henry II of England the lordship of Ireland with hopes of curing some of Ireland's perceived ecclesiastical ills
  • May 13, 1168

    The English invades Ireland

    In 1168 the English invaded the island and soon thereafter began invoking reforms, many dealing with the granting of land, and many of which violated the traditional political and social structure.
  • May 13, 1367

    Population seperation

    From the latter twelfth century to about 1400, many Norman's from England moved to Ireland and settled the eastern areas, particularly around Dublin. Some assimilated but strife persisted between the native Irish and the colonists. In 1367 a law was enacted to keep the two populations separate.
  • May 13, 1560

    Suppression of the revolt - English settlers

    In the 1560s the English suppressed a revolt in Ulster and Queen Elizabeth took the opportunity to expropriate all lands and settle the province with Englishmen. By 1660 they had become well seated and English law prevailed throughout the land.
  • Period: to

    Regn of James I

    During the reign of James I (ruled 1603-1625), Catholic schools were closed and children were taught in Protestant institutions. Soon the old distinctions of Irish, Anglo-Irish, and English became realigned to Catholic and Protestant, although the island remained overwhelmingly Catholic. It was about this period that the emigration trend began.
  • Catholics excluded from public offices

    In 1727, Catholics were excluded from all public office and denied the right to vote. Although some measured attempts at reconciliation were made nearing the end of the century, for the most part relations between the two factions remained poor.
  • The United Kingdom and Ireland

    legislative agreement uniting Great Britain (England and Scotland) and Ireland under the name of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.
  • Period: to

    The great famine and poplulation decrease

    Between 1841 and 1851, Ireland's population fell from 8.2 million to 6.6 million through starvation, disease, and emigration, particularly to the United States.

    The Catholics gradually gained parliamentary power and "home rule", a separate Irish parliament within the Union, gained popularity. A home rule bill was enacted in 1914, but not put in effect until the end of World War I.
  • The Danish Vikings invaded Ireland.

    The Danish Vikings invaded Ireland.
    In 853 the Danes invaded the island and were followed by Danish settlers who gradually assimilated with the local population and adopted Christianity.