Settlement and Growth of the United States

By 'grimm'
  • Virginia/Jamestown

    The first colony that settled in North America after the failure to establish a colony on Roanoke Island. The colony was founded by the London Company to use as a port and trading center
  • Massachusetts

    A place where pilgrims first fled to and created that colony in order to escape British rule. These pilgrims believed that they should have a democratic government.
  • New Hampshire

    New Hampshire
    A colony planned to be made in the beginning. It was handed over to Jhon Mason who invested heavily in it to create cities and towns though he died before he could see this.
  • Maryland

    Founded due to Lord Baltimore seeing an opportunity for profit and to create it for Roman Catholics who struggled with religious tyranny in England
  • Connecticut

    this colony was not considered a colony until 1636 even though the colonists started making cities and towns in 1635.
  • Rhode Island

    Rhode Island
    This colony was created because of the small groups that were made from the four poeple that were banished due to religious reasons. They then asked the british for permision to become a colony and they have accpeted.
  • Delaware

    This colony was part of Sweden but soon King Henry gained control over it and name it Delaware
  • North Carolina

    North Carolina
    It was founded by Virginians who grew tired of religious laws who then moved just south of the border to start their own group. The King then decided to give that land to noblemen meant as a gift. The noblemen then colonized it and later on in the year it was sold back to the crown due to the strife with the colony. This land then became known as Carolina and was eventually separated into North and South Carolina.
  • South Carolina

    South Carolina
    Was founded at the same time as South Carolina
  • New York

    New York
    The Netherlands was received as a gift to the Duke of York which he renamed New York in his honor.
  • New Jersey

    New Jersey
    Two friends of the Duke of York received land from him and they decided to colonize it. It then was populated after bringing in many people and it was broken into two pieces where the land was sold to Quakers and was soon reunited with the king's blessing.
  • Pennsylvania

    William Penn founded this colony in order to give freedom of religion and protection from persecution with the land that his father gave him before he died.
  • Georgia

    James Oglethorpe asked the king for a land charter and did as James requested. the king gave him an unpopulated portion of land named Georgia after King George. This colony was made to put people in jail who disobeyed the laws who then could start anew.
  • The 13 colonies have all been founded and established.

    The 13 colonies have all been founded and established.
    the last colony has been created which is Georgia making the 13th colony.
  • Land purchase

    Land purchase
    the french sold a large portion of their North American land to the colonies that had part of the North American land
  • Annexed land

    Annexed land
    This land where Texas and small parts of other states are was annexed in the year 1845.
  • Treaty with Britain

    Treaty with Britain
    The land of Britain was given to the colony in 1846 giving the top left portion of North America to the developing US.
  • Mexican Cession

    Mexican Cession
    The Mexican cession refers to land given up or surrendered in the Mexican war which left many Mexicans angered for a long time.