Unknown 6

the new america

  • Aug 3, 1492


    Having convinced the King and Queen of Spain to finance his voyage, Christopher Columbus departed mainland Spain on August 3, 1492. He quickly made port in the Canary Islands for a final restocking and left there on September 6. He was in command of three ships: the Pinta, the Niña, and the Santa María. Although Columbus was in overall command, the Pinta was captained by Martín Alonso Pinzón and the Niña by Vicente Yañez Pinzón.
  • Oct 11, 1493


    Who discovered America? When Columbus returned from the Antilles in 1493, he was not the first European to have stepped in the New World. It seems that, 500 years before, a group of blond Scandinavians had done it. It happened during the Viking era, when these sailors and warriors were roaming northern Africa, eastern Europe and the Middle East.
  • Oct 28, 1493


    Columbus explored five islands in the modern-day Bahamas before he made it to Cuba. He reached Cuba on October 28, making landfall at Bariay, a harbor near the eastern tip of the island. Thinking he had found China, he sent two men to investigate. They were Rodrigo de Jerez and Luis de Torres, a converted Jew who spoke Hebrew, Aramaic and Arabic in addition to Spanish. Columbus had brought him as an interpreter. The two men failed in their mission to find the Emperor of China, but did visit a na
  • Nov 8, 1519

    the conquest of mexico

    the conquest of mexico
    cortes lands on mexicoi coast
  • Dec 5, 1520


    Leaving Cuba, Columbus made landfall on the Island of Hispaniola on December 5. The natives called it Haití, but Columbus renamed it La Española, a name which was later changed to Hispaniola when Latin texts were written about the discovery. On December 25, the Santa María ran aground and had to be abandoned. Columbus himself took over as captain of the Niña, as the Pinta had become separated from the other two ships. Negotiating with the local chieftain Guacanagari, Columbus arranged to leave 3
  • May 23, 1521

    lauched attack

    lauched attack
    cortes launched his attack against the greatly weakened aztec forces
  • Aug 1, 1521


    cortes had won
  • jamestown

    in 1606 england granted the virginia company permission to established colonies in virginia.
  • survive

    it survived through leadership of john smith and help from the powhatan confederacy.
  • free land

    free land
    you could have free land if you worked for the company for 7 years.
  • refusal

    people refused to work they considered themselves Gentlemen and above manual labor.
  • death has come

    death has come
    in the first year 147 of the 200 settlers died
  • headrights

    headrights: new settlers paid for passage or bought into the company and were granted 50 acres recieving more land for each new person they brought along.
  • tabaco

    the john rolfe developed markable tabaco and now the settlers hade a means to survive a cash crop.

    the separatist fled holland where they wouldnt get prosecuted.
  • founded the capital

    founded the capital
    pedro de peralta the first governor of new mexico new mexico founded the capital of santa fe
  • german immigrants

    german immigrants
    German immigrants settled in Pa, looking for religious freedom.
  • africans in colonial america

    africans in colonial america
    african slaves attempted to maintaintheir language and traditions.
  • german immigrants

    german immigrants
    these immigrants became known as the pennsylvania Dutch and were excellent farmers.
  • africans in south carolina

    africans in south carolina
    africans in south carolinaworked on rice plantations isolated from white planters.
  • the scotch irish

     the scotch irish
    the scotch irish immigrated to the colonies to escape rising taxes, poor harvests, and religious discrimination.
  • on to the journey

    on to the journey
    102 passengers set off on to the journey across the atlantic the trip took 65 days.
  • mayflower compact

    mayflower compact
    on this 41 adult men met in the ships cabin to sign what is now known as the MAYFLOWER COMPACT
  • taking the throne

    taking the throne
    after king charles took the throne in 1625 opposition to the puritans began to increase and many puritans became willing to leave england.
  • the scapegoat

    the scapegoat
    The colonists found their scapegoat in the form of the local Indians. The trouble began in July 1675 with a raid by the Doeg Indians on the plantation of Thomas Mathews, located in the Northern Neck section of Virginia near the Potomac River. Several of the Doegs were killed in the raid, which began in a dispute over the nonpayment of some items Mathews had apparently obtained from the tribe. The situation became critical when, in a retaliatory strike by the colonists, they attacked the wrong In
  • deaths

    To stave off future attacks and to bring the situation under control, Governor Berkeley ordered an investigation into the matter. He set up what was to be a disastrous meeting between the parties, which resulted in the murders of several tribal chiefs. Throughout the crisis, Berkeley continually pleaded for restraint from the colonists. Some, including Bacon, refused to listen. Nathaniel Bacon disregarded the Governor's direct orders by seizing some friendly Appomattox Indians for "allegedly" st
  • reasons for the rebellion

    reasons for the rebellion
    Bacon's Rebellion can be attributed to a myriad of causes, all of which led to dissent in the Virginia colony. Economic problems, such as declining tobacco prices, growing commercial competition from Maryland and the Carolinas, an increasingly restricted English market, and the rising prices from English manufactured goods (mercantilism) caused problems for the Virginians. There were heavy English losses in the latest series of naval wars with the Dutch and, closer to home, there were many probl
  • the rebellion and the leaders

    the rebellion and the leaders
    The central figures in Bacon's Rebellion were opposites. Governor Sir William Berkeley, seventy when the crisis began, was a veteran of the English Civil Wars, a frontier Indian fighter, a King's favorite in his first term as Governor in the 1640's, and a playwright and scholar. His name and reputation as Governor of Virginia were well respected.
  • who was Bacon

    who was Bacon
    Berkeley's antagonist, young Nathaniel Bacon, Jr., was actually Berkeley's cousin by marriage. Lady Berkeley, Frances Culpeper, was Bacon's cousin. Bacon was a troublemaker and schemer whose father sent him to Virginia in the hope that he would mature. Although disdainful of labor, Bacon was intelligent and eloquent. Upon Bacon's arrival, Berkeley treated his young cousin with respect and friendship, giving him both a substantial land grant and a seat on the council in 1675.
  • winthrop

    winthrop and several other wealthy puritans were stockholders in the massachusetts bay company. the company had already recieved a royal charter in march 1629 to create a colony in neww england.
  • bringing new culture

    bringing new culture
    they were able to developa culture with its own language gullah.
  • combat

    to combat the brutal conditions some slaves employed passive resistance, such as work slowdowns, and some managed to escape.
  • trials and tribulations

    trials and tribulations
    king charles the first was put on trial in london he was accused of being a tyrant.
  • judges

    he was tried by 135 judges who would decide if he was guilty or not.
  • head judge

    head judge
    the cheif judge was a man called john bradshawn. he sat at the high court of justice.
  • taking control

    taking control
    After Bacon drove the Pamunkeys from their nearby lands in his first action, Berkeley exercised one of the few instances of control over the situation that he was to have, by riding to Bacon's headquarters at Henrico with 300 "well armed" gentlemen. Upon Berkeley's arrival, Bacon fled into the forest with 200 men in search of a place more to his liking for a meeting. Berkeley then issued two petitions declaring Bacon a rebel and pardoning Bacon's men if they went home peacefully. Bacon would the
  • time to end this

    time to end this
    Feeling that it would make his triumph complete, Bacon issued his "Declaration of the People" on July 30, 1676 which stated that Berkeley was corrupt, played favorites and protected the Indians for his own selfish purposes. Bacon also issued his oath which required the swearer to promise his loyalty to Bacon in any manner necessary (i.e., armed service, supplies, verbal support). Even this tight reign could not keep the tide from changing again. Bacon's fleet was first and finally secretly infil
  • the enlightment

    the enlightment
    the enlightenment was a european cultural movement that challenged the authority of the church, and elevated the power of human reason.
  • John Locke

    John Locke
    John Locke was the premier enlightenment writer. he argued that all people had rights.
  • Pietism

    in america many colonists turned to pietism which stressed an indivisuals devoutness and union with God.it was spread through revivals large prayer meetings.