Semester Project

  • Franz Ferdinand

    Franz Ferdinand
    Archduke Franz Ferdinand is assassinated in Sarajevo
  • Russia Mobilizes

    Russia Mobilizes
    Russia moves its army to intervene with Austria-Hungary causing a chain reaction from the other European countries
  • World War One Begins

    Germany invades the country of Belgium, marking the beginning of World War 1
  • Germans Fire

    Germans fired chlorine gas at the Allied lines. This marks the first time large amounts of gas are used in warfare.
  • Lusitania Sinks

    Lusitania Sinks
    The passenger ship “Lusitania” was sunk by a German submarine. It carried 1,198 passengers, 128 of which were American
  • Germany Limits Submarines

    After the outrage of the Lusitania, the Kaiser of Germany limits submarine warfare
  • First Tanks

    First Tanks
    British Army employs the first ever tanks at Delville Wood. They are still extremely primitive.
  • Submarines Come Back

    Submarines Come Back
    Germany starts using submarines unrestricted again, helps draw the U.S. into the war
  • Zimmerman Telegram

    Wilson is given the so called “Zimmerman Telegram.” The telegram is a message from Arthur Zimmerman proposing the aid of Mexico to the Germans, the Germans would try to use this tactic in WW2 as well
  • The U.S. Joins the Fight

    The U.S. Joins the Fight
    Congress authorizes war declaration against Germany
  • Vet - Baby Delivery

    Grover delivers a baby with little to no medical supplies while being holed up due to air raids
  • Vet - The Shelling Incident

    Grover is in a bad shelling incident. The housing he was in got a direct hit with a High Velocity Shell (H.V.) He patches up the wounds and they leave for new shelter
  • Vet - The Airship

    Grover is dressing wounds when the building goes under a three hour bombing. He states that he watched many men die, and even watched and airship burn to the ground
  • Period: to


    *The Battle of Cantigny is fought which leads into first involvement of the U.S. in WWI
    *The Battle of Chateau-Thierry is fought and leads to The Battle of Belleau Wood, where we fought for three weeks
    *The Battle of St. Mihiel - 300,000 American troops sling themselves into German lines
  • Vet - Soda Pop

    Grover and his group found a soda factory that had recently been abandoned. The group raided it out. He was pretty ecstatic
  • Vet - The Death

    Grover died on October 16, 1918. He died early enough in the day that he didn’t get to jog down what he was doing that day. A loved one wrote after the October 15th entry, “Died 10-16-1918”
  • Armistice Day

    Armistice Day
    Armistice is signed to mark the end of WW1