Science Inventions

  • Thomas Alba edinson and its phonograph

    Thomas Alba edinson and its phonograph
  • Lp 78 rpm is invented

    Lp 78 rpm is invented
  • Radio

    Radio Transmission developed by G. Marconni.
  • Headphones invented by Nathaniel Baldwin

    Headphones invented by Nathaniel Baldwin
  • Traffic lights invented by Garret Morgan

    Traffic lights invented by Garret Morgan
  • Loud speakers invented by Edward Kellogg

    Loud speakers invented by Edward Kellogg
  • Alexander Fleming discovers penecillin

    Alexander Fleming discovers penecillin
  • Ballpoint pen invented by Laszlo Biro

    Ballpoint pen invented by Laszlo Biro
  • Atomic bomb

    Atomic bomb
  • 33 rpm Lp is invented

    33 rpm Lp is invented
  • 45 rpm is created

    45 rpm  is created
  • Firts T.V. color

    Firts T.V. color
  • Compact casette is created.

    Compact casette is created.
  • First hand calculator is invented

    First  hand calculator is invented
  • Mobile Phone invented by Dr. Martin Cooper.

    Mobile Phone invented by Dr. Martin Cooper.
  • Sony releases portable casette player.

    Sony releases portable casette player.
  • Cd. is invented

    Cd. is invented
  • DVD is invented

    DVD  is invented
  • Ipod
