Schools in the Year 2020_R.Vicario

  • Classrooms Fully Equipped with Visual Learning Tools

    Classrooms Fully Equipped with Visual Learning Tools
    Classrooms are generally equipped wth Smartboards, document cameras, etc. and teachers have been trained in the use and application of the applicable software. Teachers intentionally build lesson plans that provide ongoing opportunities for students to use this equipment themselves in order to demonstrate what they know.
  • School Adopts Tablet Technology School-wide

    Schools complete the acquisition and implementation of tablets to transition into the use of digital textbooks as well as other applications.
  • Walls Come Down (Again)

    Walls Come Down (Again)
    Open ClassroomWith a push for more collaboration and innovation, schools adapt the classroom and other learning environments to embrace experiential learning and more closely resemble the most creative workplaces of the 21st century, for both students and adults. Schools are remodeled/built to strategically remove walls and other obstacles that inhibit collaboration and creativity and provide opportunities to learn beyond the classroom.
  • School Goes (almost) Completely Paperless

  • Adoption of Digital Textbooks Begins

    Adoption of Digital Textbooks Begins
    Now that Common Core State Standards materials have been published and adopted by the state department of education, schools begin the process of adopting digital textbooks to complete the transition to paperless schools environments.
  • Reallocation of Resources

    Because fewer discipline issues exist now that school has become more engaging and meaningful for digital natives, schools have begun to reallocate resources to focus on academic and professional learning. The days of a full-time Dean of Discipline, Attendance Clerks, and Truant Officers on one campus are over now that blended learning and other online learning environments offer more opportuntities to capture ADA revenues. New positions will emerge that demonstrate the value for innovation.