School Nutrition Program Timeline

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    School Nutrition Program Timeline

  • Free and Reduced Lunch Program (1946)

    Free and Reduced Lunch Program (1946)
    This program provides students with a free or reduced lunch based on the family income. I believe that this is a great program to be offered at schools. Everyone should be able to eat, even those who can not afford food. Personally, at my school, they offer everyone free lunch (and breakfast). I find it as very helpful to kids because plenty of people in this area come from low-income families. This program offers children the nutrition they need in a meal.
  • School Nutrition Act (1946)

    School Nutrition Act (1946)
    The School Nutrition Act ensures that schools will receive allotments of USDA agriculture and meat, giving students a healthy option for lunch that will help them grow up to be healthy. This act allows schools to offer students a healthy lunch, that can help them grow up to be healthy. Being healthy is one of major things that will help a person grow up to live long and be happy. By offering these lunches at school, it will ensure that all students will be receiving the nutrients they need.
  • Special Milk Program (1954)

    Special Milk Program (1954)
    This program began in 1954 and finally became a part of the Child Nutrition Act in 1966. Under this program, schools are reimbursed for the milk they give students for free. This program is definitely a good thing for schools to be involved in. Rather than having to pay for milk, schools offer it for free. In turn, the government reimburses the school for the money spent on milk. When students have an opportunity to have milk for free, they will more than likely take some milk.
  • Child Nutrition Act of 1966

    Child Nutrition Act of 1966
    Under this act, signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson, schools are required to serve students a healthy and nutritious lunch. I believe this act is important because it ensures that students will be offered a nutritious meal. When the meal is made nutritious, the students will have the capability of becoming a healthy adult. Being offered a healthy meal will also help students improve intellectually while at school.
  • Breakfast Program (1975)

    Breakfast Program (1975)
    This program was made permanent in 1975, and offers breakfast at a free or reduced price to students based on family income. I believe that this program is helpful for students who have low family income. While at school, it may be the only time they are able to eat. By providing breakfast, it will ensure that students get at least one meal everyday at school (along with lunch).
  • Let's Move! Program (2010)

    Let's Move! Program (2010)
    This program is dedicated to solve challenges involving childhood obesity. This program provides parents with helpful information and helps kids become more physically active. Teaching parents on how to keep their children healthy is important. Childhood obesity is a major thing, and can effect children for the rest of their lives. Keeping children as healthy as possible in their younger years will help a child to grow up happy and healthy.