School Age Milestone

  • 12 Years-Old

    Physical: Signs of menstruation in girls and muscle development in boys begin to show
    Emotional: starts to show a rebellious streak
    Intellectual: becomes more aware of the concepts pf justice and equality
    Cognitive: Starts to understand cause-and-effect sequences.
  • 11 Years-Old

    11 Years-Old
    Physical: Have growth spurts with accompany body pains like cramps
    Emotional: develop better decision-making skills
    Intellectual: begin to realize that there are multiple ways to view a piece on information
    Cognitive: most speech issued that appeared in the child's past are resolved by now
  • 10 Years-Old

    10 Years-Old
    Physical:early signs of puberty may appear
    Emotional: enjoy being with friends and most likely have a best friend of the same gender
    Intellectual: are reading books with chapters
    Cognitive: have learned to write in cursive and can write longer sentences
  • 9 Years-Old

    9 Years-Old
    Physical: start to show growth pattern related to gender
    Emotional: can control their anger most of the time and have caring relationships with friends
    Intellectual: can read and understand longer sentences of up to 12 words
    cognitive: likes organization and planning
  • 8 Years-Old

    8 Years-Old
    Physical: may have arms and legs that seem to long for their bodies
    Emotional: are more likely to follow rules they create and enjoy
    Intellectual: can read simple sentences
    cognitive: can now count by 2s and know what day of the week it is
  • 7 Year-Old

    7 Year-Old
    Physical: can combine motor skills like running and kicking a ball, or dancing to music
    Emotional: begin feeling empathy towards others and overcome some fears
    Intellectual: they have a solid sense of time
    Cognitive: can solve simple math problems with objects like beads
  • 6 Years-Old

    6 Years-Old
    Physical: Starting to loose baby teeth and develop back molars
    Emotional: Becomes more aware of theirs and others emotions
    Intellectual: continue to develop independent reading and enjoy writing stories about themselves
    Cognitive: able to handle more complicated projects at school