Schedule of activities

  • Period: to

    Schedule of activities

  • Activity 1

    As a first step in the project, STUDENTS will create their VIRTUAL PROFILE on the platform using ENGLISH. We will ask the students to introduce themselves on a TWINBOARD providing some basic details about themselves: this will also introduce them to the platform (class activity to present the etwinning platform)
  • Activity 2

    International group activity: students will be asked to create a LOGO for the project and publish their logo on the etwinning space. After that, everyone will vote the best LOGO, explaining their choice with a short comment/explanation on the logo chosen
  • Activity 3

    International group activity: STUDENTS will create a PREZI or any other presentation on the topic of the project (travel, politcs, society) working on texts and images.
  • Activity 4

    Preparation of the first quiz about these texts and images on the Twinspace.
    Answering to the quiz.
  • Activity 5

    The next step will be the creation of an ancient Greek/English/Italian/French/modern Greek/Latin GLOSSARY of terms for travel, politics and society. This activity will require a deeper knowledge of Ancient Greek vocabulary and a research work on technical words. Students will work in groups on some words and then they will share their knowledge on a shared padlet board.
  • Dissemination/Evaluation of the programme