Sarah Reimer 1600 to 1700

  • Jamestown Founded

    John Smith founded the first permanent English settlement in the new world.
  • House of Burgesses

    First Legislative assembly in the American colonies.
  • Period: to

    Winthrop's Eleven Ships Set Sail for Salem

    John Winthrop's account is one of the most complete of the journey at the time from England to North America
  • Harvard College Founded

    The college is founded in Cambridge Massachusetts
  • Bay Psalm Book

    The first printed book in North America
  • The Navigation Act of 1660

    British Parliament passed the act in an attempt to control colonial shipping commerce
  • English take New Amsterdam

    English soldiers take New Amsterdam from the Dutch
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Nathaniel Bacon leads planters rebellion against Gov. Berkeley. Bacon perished in the event.