
S.T.E.A.M. Ferris Wheel Unit

  • Day #1

    Day #1
    Introduce students to the challenge of building a Ferris wheel with the required supplies (10 mins.). Watch a Prezi on how the London Eye was invented through the E.D.P. process (45 mins.). Distribute an E.D.P. planning sheet to each student and split students into new S.T.E.A.M. teams (10 mins.). Students will work in teams to complete the cluster diagram graphic organizer (20 mins.) . Students will gather ideas from cluster diagrams and complete first 1/2 of EDP planning sheet (20 mins.).
  • Period: to

    S.T.E.A.M. Week - Ferris wheel

  • Day #2

    Day #2
    Students will watch a Prezi to refresh their memory, explore how the London Eye was improved, and learn about the Singapore Flyer (1 hour). Students will complete their persuassive planner graphic organizer (30 mins.). Students will visit the computer lab and utilize Sync.in to defend their ideas based on their persuassive graphic organizer (1 hour).
  • Day #3

    Day #3
    Teams will review comments and conversations that were posted on Sync.in yesterday (30 mins.). Students will decide what materials to use and how much of each of those materials (15 mins.). Students will gather those materials (10 mins.). Students will spend most of their time beginning to build their Ferris wheel (1 1/2 hours).
  • Day #4

    Day #4
    Students will review what they created yesterday and see how well the glue dried and project held up through the night (15 mins.). Students will continue to build. Those that finish early, will be able to improve their creations (2 hours total).
  • Day #5

    Day #5
    Students will put the finishing touches on their Ferris wheel (15 mins.). Students will demonstrate how their Ferris wheel turns to their classmates (25 mins.). Teams will complete a Venn Diagram graphic organizer to compare their Ferris wheel with another team's Ferris wheel (20 mins.). Students will finish the 'improve' section on their E.D.P. planning sheet and turn in (15 mins.).