Russian Revolution

  • Period: to

    Crimean War*

    This is when Russia realized it needed to modernize because they were defeated easily since their transportation was bad.
  • Serfs freed in Russia

  • Period: to

    Industialization of Russia (Railroads, Factories, New Class)

  • Zemstvo formed

    Type of local government. GOvernment hoped this would lead to a national parliament but did not happened.
  • Alexander II assasinated

    Reform went down hill from here because the new tsar was a determined reactionary not a reformist. This caused Russia to experience hard times in the 1880s (mostly politically).
  • Period: to

    Economic modernization speed forward under Witte

    Made the government build state-owned railroads , established high protective tariffs, and used the west to catch up with the west. (Was competent minister of finance.)
  • Japanese launched a surprise attack on Russia

    FIght for northern Korea
  • Period: to

    Russo-Japanese War

    Both wanted northen Korean territory.
  • Bloody Sunday*

    Workers wen peacefully to present a petition to tsar, but the workers were massacred. Produced a wave of general indignation. More political parties came out into the open. Caused many uprisings.
    *Started Revolution
  • Period: to

    (Summer of 1905) Strikes, peasant uprisings, revolts, etc. (Revolutionary surge)

  • Russia forced to admit defeat*

    This caused political upheavel at home. People didn't just want economic modernization. People also wanted political modernization. Meant to turn absolute monarch into a liberal, representative regime. Called for self rule.
    *Fueled the 1905 Revolution.
  • October Manifesto

    Issued by the tsar, granted full civil rights and promised a popularly elected duma with real legislative power. The middle class leaders, formelrly opposing the tsar, helped government repress uprisings and keep constitutional monarchy because they were afraid of the Manifesto.
  • First Duma (Parliament)

    Tsar kept most of the power. The duma and an upper class could debate and pass laws all they wanted but the tsar had an absolute veto. People dissapointed--this is going backwards not forwards.
  • Period: to

    Old Duma dismissed, New Duma with new electoral laaw created.

    Tsar had dismissed the Duma because they couldn't cooperate and made a new Duma. Second Duma was more hostile and radically opposed.Tsar abolished Duma. Rewrote electoral lawsto increase weight of property classes at the expense of workers, peasants, minorities.
  • Loyal majority Duma Created with Electoral Law

    Done since old ones caused problems.