Rubén Ardila Ardila

  • Who is Rubén Ardila?

    Who is Rubén Ardila?
    Ruben is a Colombian psychologist who was born on July 7, 1942 in Santander
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    First steps to psychology

    He lived in Pereira where he grew up and did his first studies. Since he was in high school, Rubén was interested in human behavior and discovered psychology in one of the books of Stefan Zweig. Since that moment he wanted deeper into psychology.
  • Entrace to the university

    Entrace to the university
    He traveled to Bogotá to enter the National University of Colombia (it was the only university that offered a career of psychology), He wanted to convert psychology into a science and profession within Colombia.
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    What did people think of Rubén?

    Rubén's friends thought that he was the father of psychology in Colombia.
  • His first novel and his first prize

    His first novel and his first prize
    When he was 19 he published his first novel titled "Nefertiti" in 1964, it's about the origin of life and the relationship between science and religion. With his novel he won a literary award in Spain, thanks to which he traveled to Europe for the first time.
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    Travel and studies

    Ruben traveled to the old continent and the Middle East, then he traveled to Lincoln, United States to the University of Nebraska to do his doctorate in experimental psychology, in those years he also wrote the book of learning psychology.
  • Contributions of Rubén Ardila to psychology

    Contributions of Rubén Ardila to psychology
    On January 15, 1969, Ardila published volume 1 of the Latin American Journal of Psychology, the most important in all Latin America.
    Then He published 200 articles and 27 books on the influence of early experiences on animal behavior, behavioral evolution, child-rearing patterns, the psychological impact of nuclear war, and the effects of unemployment.
  • His life as a teacher

    His life as a teacher
    In 1970 he returned to Colombia and became a teacher and investigator at the university of the Andes and at the university Santo Tomás, where he achieved several changes in his career.
  • What book did he publish about Colombia?

    What book did he publish about Colombia?
    Rubén published Psychology of the Colombian man: culture and social behavior in 1986, in his book he spoke about the behavior of Colombians based on intrinsic and extrinsic factors
  • Wich was rubén's most important achievement?

    Wich was rubén's most important achievement?
    the most important achievement for Rubén was the creation of his book "Experimental Synthesis of Behavior", published on 1988. He proposed the subjective and objective realities of human behavior as domains in psychology.
  • What did your colleagues do with their contributions?

    What did your colleagues do with their contributions?
    In 2003 some colleagues wrote a book about the contributions of Rubén, the book is called "the legacy of Rubén Ardila, psychology: of biology and culture"
  • What is Rubén Ardila doing currently?

    What is Rubén Ardila doing currently?
    In recent years Rubén published a book named "History of Psychology in Colombia", in 2021 he announced that he would publish other book named "correspondence of eminent psychologists". where he exchanges letters with several psychologists from other countries like Skinner and Piaget.