Roman expansion wars

  • 396 BCE

    wars to conquer Italy

    in these years Rome will conquer Veii and defeat the Gauls, a war in which the phrase vae victis is proclaimed
  • 390 BCE

    ending of Gallus and Veii conflict

  • 358 BCE

    Rome has supremacy over Lazio

    Rome, above V and IV century BC win a war against italian poupolations. And the battle of Tarquinia were win by Romans
  • 343 BCE

    Sannitic wars

    From 343 BC to 290 BC Rome fought against Sannitics for the dominium of Italy.
  • 295 BCE

    Battle of Santino

    in this battle the Samnite wars are decided. An estimated 25,000 men lose their lives in this conflict
  • 264 BCE

    First Punic War

    Rome wins this war thanks to "Corvo" (a mobile bridge who could be used for board the Carthaginian ships). The most importats battles of this war was battle of Milazzo in 260 BC and the battle of ilands Egadi in 241 BC. The first Punic war ends in 241 BC. Sicily become the first Roman province.
  • 219 BCE

    Second Punic War

    In the second Punic war Annibal tryed to conquer italy with 20000 pedestrian troops, 6000 knights and 37 elephants. Most important battle was surely the defeat of Canne in 216 BC, were Romans troops was forced to humiliation.
  • Period: 215 BCE to 205 BCE

    First Macedonic War

    the kingdom of Macedon allies itself with Anibal and rome fought alongside the Aetolians
  • 202 BCE

    Battle of Zama

    Here in Zama Romans had their reveng against Carthaginians and destroy the city, winning the second Punic war
  • Period: 200 BCE to 197 BCE

    Second Macedon War

    Macedons and SIrians threaten Pergam KIngdom and Rome defend his allies
  • Period: 171 BCE to 186 BCE

    Third Macedonic War

    Rome admits Macedonia to his territories
  • Period: 149 BCE to 146 BCE

    Third Punic war

    Carthage has been destroied in this siege lasted 3 years, Africa become a Rome province and Carthages were reduced to slaves
    "Carthago delenda est!"
  • 146 BCE

    Destroy of Corinth