
  • Jan 1, 1346

    Black Death

    Black Death
    at this time the black death began to spread into europe from rat fleas that spread at a very rapid pace and ended up destroying a huge amount of europes population. its killed over 25 million people in this time
  • Jan 1, 1347

    First Guns

    First Guns
    This is the time that europeans began to discover and create guns that would dominate the rest of the world with its technological advantages
  • Nov 11, 1400

    Ships improve

    Ships improve
    a grewat improvement in ships was made at this time which greatly improved the ability of travel throughout europe
  • Nov 14, 1465

    Navigation by stars is greatly improved

    Navigation by stars is greatly improved
    around this time the Astralabe was created which allowed navigation by stars. this allowed explorers to navigate their way to and from different areas on expeditions with ease and have less of a chance of getting lost.
  • Nov 11, 1492

    Columbus discovers west Indies

    Columbus discovers west Indies
    At this time Columbus discovered the west indies in their so called "new world"
  • Nov 11, 1498

    Columbus discovers american continent

    Columbus discovers american continent
    Columbus sailed into the american continent but he believed that it was part of asia and not america
  • Nov 14, 1498

    Vasco De Gama reaches india by rounding tip of africa

    Vasco De Gama reaches india by rounding tip of africa
    this was important because this eplorer had shown and demonstrated that this could be done and this would also soark the begginning of major ship building in that area.
  • Nov 11, 1500

    inca empire extents

    inca empire extents
    the inca empire expanded alopnt almost all of the west coast of south america
  • Period: Nov 14, 1502 to Nov 14, 1504

    Last of Columbus's 4 voyages

    at this time the end of columbus's last voyage occured ending the eploration and discoveries of him. this greatly helped and expanded what people could do with boats and he demonstrated this.
  • Nov 11, 1506

    Columbus dies

    Columbus dies
    at this time the exploreer christopher columbus died
  • Nov 11, 1522

    Magellan's shups return to spain

    Magellan's shups return to spain
    after sailing around cape horn and also around the world, Magellan and his men with 5 ships return to spain to complete the first round world journey.
  • Nov 14, 1535

    spanish conquerers found city of lime, peru

    spanish conquerers found city of lime, peru
    the spanidh conquerers founded this place on an expedition in south america. the was also a demonstration of ship power for europe and expanded the use of boats.
  • Nov 11, 1539

    De Soto explores southeastern america

    De Soto explores southeastern america
    the explorer Hernando De Soto explored southeastern united states and covered a large part of the area with discoveries
  • Period: Nov 11, 1577 to Nov 11, 1580

    Francis Drake circumnavigates globe

    Sir Francis Drake at this time becomes the first Englishman to completely Circumnavigate the globe.
  • why i chose these

    I chose these dates and events due to the fact that they all show a great feeat of strength and based on that there were many more things that would add on to those feats. this would begin generating more m\and more expeditionds all trying to top another explorer in some way shape or form and this led to great advancements in technology and also in knowledge.